Response Options:Leader in children, youth, young adult or college ministry , Worship leader, member of choir, praise team, etc. , Teacher or other religious education (Sunday school, VBS, Bible study) , Pastoral leader (pastor, elder, preacher) , Leader in women's ministry , Leader in men's ministry , Usher, greeter, welcoming committee, etc. , Administrative oversight (board of directors, trustees, vestry) , Worship ceremony assistant (altar guild, eucharistic minister, funeral ministry) , Pastoral assistant (deacon, mothers’ board, minister) , Community outreach (nurse, sick and shut in, missionary) , Technical assistant (A/V, social media, website) , Leader in relationships ministry (marriage, couples, singles) , Membership relations/small group/new members/discipleship , Prayer leader, prayer, intercession , Pastor's personal staff (pastor's aid, armorbearer, pastor relations) , Church maintenance (groundskeeper, maintenance, kitchen committee) , Administrative (clerk, secretary, general administration) , Other or unclear formal leader ('multiple roles,' 'staff,' 'serve on committees') , First lady, pastor's wife , General volunteer ('volunteer,' 'helper,' 'lay servant') , Mentor (church mother, advisor, 'guidance') , Engaged member (church member, 'participant,' group member) , Other informal leader , Other/not interpretable , Coder not sure , Former leader or leader in training , Not answered