No formal schooling/kindergarten , Incomplete elementary education , Elementary school , Middle school , Vocational high school/Trade high school , General high school , Junior college, polytechnic college / associate's degree, college of taxation (2-3 years) , Bachelor's degree or Korean army (4-6 years) , Master's degree , Doctor's degree , (DO NOT READ) Don’t know , (DO NOT READ) Refused
No formal schooling (Preschool or Kindergarten) , Elementary school , Lower secondary school , Upper secondary school , College of technology , Junior college (associate degree), special training college (diploma or advanced diploma) , Bachelor's degree , Master's degree or Juris Doctor , Doctor’s degree , (DO NOT READ) Don’t know , (DO NOT READ) Refused
No formal schooling (Kindergarten) , Primary Education (Primary 1 to 6/Grade 1 to 6) , Lower secondary education (GCE N Level (Form 3)) , Upper secondary education (GCE O Level (Form 5), GCE A Level (Form 7 in old structure), DSE Level (Form 6 in new structu , Diploma/Advanced certificate/ advanced diploma/DVE (non-tertiary) , Associate degree or equivalent vocational degree , University Degree (Bachelor’s degree) , University Postgraduate Degree (Master’s degree) , University Postgraduate Degree (Doctor’s degree) , (DO NOT READ) Don’t know , (DO NOT READ) Refused
Married , Divorced , Separated , Unmarried/Single [OR] , Widow/Widower , (DO NOT READ) Living with a partner , (DO NOT READ) Don’t know , (DO NOT READ) Refused
Very emotionally attached , Somewhat emotionally attached , Not very emotionally attached [OR] , Not at all emotionally attached , (DO NOT READ) Don’t know , (DO NOT READ) Refused