Through stories in the media , The fact that the company is listed in a socially responsibl , Through information from your financial advisor , Through a company?s web site or corporate report , All of the above , None of the above , Not asked [Only if skipped] , Other (Specify) , DK/NA , 7
Yes, own shares directly , Yes, own shares indirectly through a mutual fund, pension pl , No, do not own shares (SKIP TO 5) , Yes, own shares both directly and indirectly , DK/NA (SKIP TO 05) , 88
Poor working conditions / sweat shops , Don?t trust the company/brand , Personal knowledge / know them , Uses child labor , Bad employer / treats employees badly , Pollutes/harms the environment / No environment-friendly pro , Doesn?t support charities / community projects , Bad quality products and services , Charges too much for products/services , Does not support appropriate government policies and legisla , Does not act in the interest of broader society , Treats animals unethically , Does not allow unions/treats unions poorly , A bad company (unspecified) , Not asked (IF SKIPPED) , Other (specify) , DK/NA , 26 , 16 , 18
Body Shop, The , BP/Amoco (British Petroleum) , Coca Cola (Coke) , Firestone/Bridgestone (tires) , Ford , General Motors (GM) , Johnson + Johnson , IBM , Levi Strauss , McDonalds , Nestl? , Nike , Novartis , PepsiCo , Procter & Gamble , Reebok , Sony , Shell , 3M Company , Unilever
Body Shop, The , BP/Amoco (British Petroleum) , Coca Cola (Coke) , Firestone/Bridgestone (tires) , Ford , General Motors (GM) , Johnson + Johnson , IBM , Levi Strauss , McDonalds , Nestl? , Nike , Novartis , PepsiCo , Procter & Gamble , Reebok , Sony , Shell , 3M Company , Unilever
Body Shop, The , BP/Amoco (British Petroleum) , Coca Cola (Coke) , Firestone/Bridgestone (tires) , Ford , General Motors (GM) , Johnson + Johnson , IBM , Levi Strauss , McDonalds , Nestl? , Nike , Novartis , PepsiCo , Procter & Gamble , Reebok , Sony , Shell , 3M Company , Unilever