Working full time , Working part-time , Unemployed or looking for a job , Staying at home full-time , Student , Retired , Disability pension , Refused/DK/NA
Low (Bottom quintile/20%) , Medium low (Second quintile/20%) , Medium (Third quintile/20%) , Medium high (Fourth quintile/20%) , High (Top quintile/20%) , missing value
Continue to work mainly through national governments, or , Go beyond governments to also work with business and non-gov , Depends , Somewhere in between , Not asked , Other (Do not specify) , DK/NA
Continued with no changes , Improved without increasing its powers or budget , Given more powers and budget , Replaced with new international structures , Disbanded and not replaced , Depends , Not heard of UN (SKIP TO C1) , Other (Do not specify) , DK/NA , 88
Voluntary implementation of international standards , Public exposure of wrongdoers , Economic incentives and penalties , Binding international laws with enforcement , All of the above, depends when most appropriate , None of above / not in favor of more international controls , Not asked , Other (Do Not Specify) , DK/NA