That the government protects all citizens against poverty , That citizens have the final say on the most important political issues by voting in referendums , That the views of ordinary people prevail over the views of the political elite , That national elections are free and fair , That the courts treat everyone the same , Not applicable , Refusal , Don't know , No answer
That citizens have the final say on the most important political issues by voting in referendums , That the views of ordinary people prevail over the views of the political elite , That national elections are free and fair , That the courts treat everyone the same , That the government protects all citizens against poverty , Not applicable , Refusal , Don't know , No answer
That the views of ordinary people prevail over the views of the political elite , That national elections are free and fair , That the courts treat everyone the same , That the government protects all citizens against poverty , That citizens have the final say on the most important political issues by voting in referendums , Not applicable , Refusal , Don't know , No answer
That national elections are free and fair , That the courts treat everyone the same , That the government protects all citizens against poverty , That citizens have the final say on the most important political issues by voting in referendums , That the views of ordinary people prevail over the views of the political elite , Not applicable , Refusal , Don't know , No answer
Not at all important for democracy in general , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , Extremely important for democracy in general , Not applicable , Refusal , Don't know , No answer
Not at all important for democracy in general , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , Extremely important for democracy in general , Not applicable , Refusal , Don't know , No answer