Response Options:newsletter article in a periodical shared to general public and partners , Public notice of applicable permits with a comment opportunity. , Landowners, stakeholders, USFWS and Michigan DNR involved in many decisions. , Clinton River AOC Public Advisory Council , Public Outreach and stakeholder meetings were held at the time of developing the park master plan which the project was based off of. , CITY OF MONROE COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENT & WATER QUALITY USED LOCALLY , A master plan was conducted several years earlier that involved stakeholders and significant public input, but there weren't any specific public meetings for this project only. , Public education, trainaings and flyers were created at the conclusion of the project. , A local advisory board was in place and formed 10+ years ago to achieve the organization's goals for the river. , unknown , Project funded multiple individual grant projects, each project may answer differently , Project Website , Community partners were engaged to help with volunteer removals , workshops held with agency reps , student field trips were engaged in restoration activities. , school groups and volunteer groups were involved in invasive species , This project is ongoing. , Local partners are involved in development and implementation (didn't check the local partner option because we also engaged general public); Public comment period on chemical treatments will occur in FY21 , EPA-led Health Impact Assessment , Design is currently in progress - these outreach activities are planned