Response Options:To target litter pollution, increased bird populations loafing on/near a beach, and near-beach runoff that leads to increased e. coli vectors that close beaches excessively , Increase aquatic passage connectivity to Lake Superior and increase Brook Trout habitat. , To build tribal capacity , To develop a strategic blueprint for conservation of habitat within our watershed. , Reduce sediment and phosphorus to the Genesee River Basin by streambank restoration , Restoration of two acres of wetlands , prevent further bank erosion, provide water view/access, educate, reduce pollution runoff, increase land and water (shallow & deep water) habitat , Reduce stormwater runoff , Reduce hazards to nesting adults and pre-fledged common tern chicks, imporove nesting substrate, manage vegetation, allow more thorough monitoring of the site, reduce threats of drowning to pre-fledged chicks, and increase the size of the nesting colony , Protect human health and reduce bacterial inputs at beaches , Preserve 400 acres, prevent 26 tons of sediment, 1,160 lbs of nitrogen and 108 lbs of phosphorus from entering Lake MI watershed , restoration of fish & wildlife habitat , Did not receive funding , Watershed health and aquatic organism passage improvement/connectivity , watershed health, aquatic organism passage, connectivity , Instill a sense of place and connection to cultural and natural resources in tribal youth , To improve capacity and communication among managers of public, private and tribal lands for the management of invasive species , This is an AOC coordination grant to assess BUIs within the Eighteenmile Creek AOC , Project planning for BUI removal , Aquatic and Riparian Habitat enhancement