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RegionsUnited States of America
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2021 Sep
Crop production (111)
Animal production and aquaculture (112)
Forestry except logging (1131, 1132)
Logging (1133)
Fishing, hunting and trapping (114)
Support activities for agriculture and forestry (115)
Oil and gas extraction (211)
Coal mining (2121)
Metal ore mining (2122)
Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying (2123)
Not specified type of mining (Part of 21)
Support activities for mining (213)
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution (2211)
Natural gas distribution (2212)
Electric and gas, and other combinations (Pts. 2211, 2212)
Water, steam, air-conditioning, and irrigation systems (22131, 22133)
Sewage treatment facilities (22132)
Not specified utilities (Part of 22)
Construction (the cleaning of buildings and dwellings is incidental during construction and immediately after constructi
Animal food, grain and oilseed milling (3111, 3112)
Sugar and confectionery products (3113)
Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing (3114)
Dairy product manufacturing (3115)
Animal slaughtering and processing (3116)
Retail bakeries (311811)
Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing, except retail bakeries (3118 exc. 311811)
Seafood and other miscellaneous foods, n.e.c. (3117, 3119)
Not specified food industries (Part of 311)
Beverage manufacturing (3121)
Tobacco manufacturing (3122)
Fiber, yarn, and thread mills (3131)
Fabric mills, except knitting mills (3132 exc. 31324)
Textile and fabric finishing and fabric coating mills (3133)
Carpet and rug mills (31411)
Textile product mills, except carpet and rug (314 exc. 31411)
Knitting fabric mills, and apparel knitting mills (31324, 3151)
Cut and sew, and apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing (3152, 3159)
Footwear manufacturing (3162)
Leather and hide tanning and finishing, and other leather and allied product manufacturing (3161, 3169)
Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills (3221)
Paperboard container manufacturing (32221)
Miscellaneous paper and pulp products (32222,32223, 32229)
Printing and related support activities (3231)
Petroleum refining (32411)
Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products (32412, 32419)
Resin, synthetic rubber, and fibers and filaments manufacturing (3252)
Agricultural chemical manufacturing (3253)
Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing (3254)
Paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing (3255)
Soap, cleaning compound, and cosmetics manufacturing (3256)
Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals (3251, 3259)
Plastics product manufacturing (3261)
Tire manufacturing (32621)
Rubber products, except tires, manufacturing (32622, 32629)
Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixture manufacturing (32711)
Clay building material and refractories manufacturing (327120)
Glass and glass product manufacturing (3272)
Cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum product manufacturing (3273, 3274)
Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (3279)
Iron and steel mills and steel product manufacturing (3311, 3312)
Aluminum production and processing (3313)
Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing (3314)
Foundries (3315)
Metal forgings and stampings (3321)
Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing (3322)
Structural metals, and boiler, tank, and shipping container manufacturing (3323, 3324)
Machine shops; turned product; screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing (3327)
Coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied activities (3328)
Ordnance (332992, 332993, 332994, 332996)
Miscellaneous fabricated metal products manufacturing (3325, 3326, 3329 exc. 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996)
Not specified metal industries (Part of 331 and 332)
Agricultural implement manufacturing (33311)
Construction, and mining and oil and gas field machinery manufacturing (33312, 33313)
Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing (3333)
Metalworking machinery manufacturing (3335)
Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipment manufacturing (3336)
Machinery manufacturing, n.e.c. or not specified (3332, 3334, 3339, Part of 333)
Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing (3341)
Communications, audio, and video equipment manufacturing (3342, 3343)
Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing (3345)
Electronic component and product manufacturing, n.e.c. (3344, 3346)
Household appliance manufacturing (3352)
Electric lighting and electrical equipment manufacturing, and other electrical component manufacturing, n.e.c. (3351, 33
Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment manufacturing (3361, 3362, 3363)
Aircraft and parts manufacturing (336411, 336412, 336413)
Aerospace products and parts manufacturing (336414, 336415, 336419)
Railroad rolling stock manufacturing (3365)
Ship and boat building (3366)
Other transportation equipment manufacturing (3369)
Sawmills and wood preservation (3211)
Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood products (3212)
Prefabricated wood buildings and mobile homes manufacturing (321991, 321992)
Miscellaneous wood products (3219 exc. 321991, 321992)
Furniture and related product manufacturing (337)
Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing (3391)
Sporting and athletic goods, and doll, toy and game manufacturing (33992, 33993)
Miscellaneous manufacturing, n.e.c. (3399 exc. 33992, 33993)
Not specified manufacturing industries (Part of 31, 32, 33)
Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and supplies merchant wholesalers (4231)
Furniture and home furnishing merchant wholesalers (4232)
Lumber and other construction materials merchant wholesalers (4233)
Professional and commercial equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers (4234)
Metals and minerals, except petroleum, merchant wholesalers (4235)
Household appliances and electrical and electronic goods merchant wholesalers (4236)
Hardware, and plumbing and heating equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers (4237)
Machinery, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers (4238)
Recyclable material merchant wholesalers (42393)
Miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers (4239 exc. 42393)
Paper and paper products merchant wholesalers (4241)
Drugs, sundries, and chemical and allied products merchant wholesalers (4242, 4246)
Apparel, piece goods, and notions merchant wholesalers (4243)
Grocery and related product merchant wholesalers (4244)
Farm product raw material merchant wholesalers (4245)
Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers (4247)
Alcoholic beverages merchant wholesalers (4248)
Farm supplies merchant wholesalers (42491)
Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchant wholesalers (4249 exc. 42491)
Wholesale electronic markets and agents and brokers (4251)
Not specified wholesale trade (Part of 42)
Automobile dealers (4411)
Other motor vehicle dealers (4412)
Automotive parts, accessories, and tire stores (4413)
Furniture and home furnishings stores (442)
Household appliance stores (443141)
Electronics Stores (443142)
Building material and supplies dealers (4441 exc. 44413)
Hardware stores (44413)
Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores (4442)
Supermarkets and other grocery (except convenience) stores (44511)
Convenience Stores (44512)
Specialty food stores (4452)
Beer, wine, and liquor stores (4453)
Pharmacies and drug stores (44611)
Health and personal care, except drug, stores (446 exc. 44611)
Gasoline stations (447)
Clothing stores (4481)
Shoe stores (44821)
Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores (4483)
Sporting goods, and hobby and toy stores (45111, 45112)
Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores (45113)
Musical instrument and supplies stores (45114)
Book stores and news dealers (45121)
Department stores (45221)
General merchandise stores, including warehouse clubs and supercenters (4523)
Florists (4531)
Office supplies and stationery stores (45321)
Used merchandise stores (4533)
Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops (45322)
Miscellaneous retail stores (4539)
Electronic shopping and mail-order houses (454110)
Vending machine operators (4542)
Fuel dealers (454310)
Other direct selling establishments (45439)
Not specified retail trade (Part of 44, 45)
Air transportation (481)
Rail transportation (482)
Water transportation (483)
Truck transportation (484)
Bus service and urban transit (4851, 4852, 4854, 4855, 4859)
Taxi and limousine service (4853)
Pipeline transportation (486)
Scenic and sightseeing transportation (487)
Services incidental to transportation (488)
Postal Service (491)
Couriers and messengers (492)
Warehousing and storage (493)
Newspaper publishers (51111)
Periodical, book, and directory publishers (5111 exc. 51111)
Software publishers (5112)
Motion pictures and video industries (5121)
Sound recording industries (5122)
Broadcasting (except internet) (515)
Internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals (51913)
Wired telecommunications carriers (517311)
Telecommunications, except wired telecommunications carriers (517 exc. 517311)
Data processing, hosting, and related services (5182)
Libraries and archives (51912)
Other information services, except libraries and archives, and internet publishing and broadcasting and web search porta
Banking and related activities (521, 52211,52219)
Savings institutions, including credit unions (52212, 52213)
Nondepository credit and related activities (5222, 5223)
Securities, commodities, funds, trusts, and other financial investments (523, 525)
Insurance carriers (5241)
Agencies, brokerages, and other insurance related activities (5242)
Lessors of real estate, and offices of real estate agents and brokers (5311, 5312)
Real estate property managers, offices of real estate appraisers, and other activities related to real estate (5313)
Automotive equipment rental and leasing (5321)
Other consumer goods rental (53221, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 5323)
Commercial, industrial, and other intangible assets rental and leasing (5324, 533)
Legal services (5411)
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services (5412)
Architectural, engineering, and related services (5413)
Specialized design services (5414)
Computer systems design and related services (5415)
Management, scientific, and technical consulting services (5416)
Scientific research and development services (5417)
Advertising, public relations, and related services (5418)
Veterinary services (54194)
Other professional, scientific, and technical services (5419 exc. 54194)
Management of companies and enterprises (55)
Employment services (5613)
Business support services (5614)
Travel arrangements and reservation services (5615)
Investigation and security services (5616)
Services to buildings and dwellings (except cleaning during construction and immediately after construction) (5617 exc.
Landscaping services (56173)
Other administrative and other support services (5611, 5612, 5619)
Waste management and remediation services (562)
Elementary and secondary schools (6111)
Colleges, universities, and professional schools, including junior colleges (6112, 6113)
Business, technical, and trade schools and training (6114, 6115)
Other schools and instruction, and educational support services (6116, 6117)
Offices of physicians (6211)
Offices of dentists (6212)
Offices of chiropractors (62131)
Offices of optometrists (62132)
Offices of other health practitioners (6213 exc. 62131, 62132)
Outpatient care centers (6214)
Home health care services (6216)
Other health care services (6215, 6219)
General medical and surgical hospitals, and specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals (6221, 6223)
Psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals (6222)
Nursing care facilities (skilled nursing facilities) (6231)
Residential care facilities, except skilled nursing facilities (6232, 6233, 6239)
Individual and family services (6241)
Community food and housing, and emergency services (6242)
Vocational rehabilitation services (6243)
Child day care services (6244)
Performing arts companies (7111)
Spectator sports (7112)
Promoters of performing arts, sports, and similar events, agents and managers for artists, athletes, entertainers, and o
Independent artists, writers, and performers (7115)
Museums, art galleries, historical sites, and similar institutions (712)
Bowling centers (71395)
Other amusement, gambling, and recreation industries (713 exc. 71395)
Traveler accommodation (7211)
Recreational vehicle parks and camps, and rooming and boarding houses, dormitories, and workers' camps (7212, 7213)
Restaurants and other food services (722 exc. 7224)
Drinking places, alcoholic beverages (7224)
Automotive repair and maintenance (8111 exc. 811192)
Car washes (811192)
Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance (8112)
Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance (8113)
Personal and household goods repair and maintenance (8114)
Barber shops (812111)
Beauty salons (812112)
Nail salons and other personal care services (812113, 81219)
Drycleaning and laundry services (8123)
Funeral homes, and cemeteries and crematories (8122)
Other personal services (8129)
Religious organizations (8131)
Civic, social, advocacy organizations, and grantmaking and giving services (8132, 8133, 8134)
Labor unions (81393)
Business, professional, political, and similar organizations (8139 exc. 81393)
Private households (814)
Executive offices and legislative bodies (92111, 92112, 92114, pt. 92115)
Public finance activities (92113)
Other general government and support (92119)
Justice, public order, and safety activities (922, pt. 92115)
Administration of human resource programs (923)
Administration of environmental quality and housing programs (924, 925)
Administration of economic programs and space research (926, 927)
National security and international affairs (928)
U. S. Army (928110)
U. S. Air Force (928110)
U. S. Navy (928110)
U. S. Marines (928110)
U. S. Coast Guard (928110)
Armed Forces, Branch not specified (928110)
Military Reserves or National Guard (928110)
Unemployed, last worked 5 years ago or earlier or never worked (nan)
Sample Size127,872
Margin of error±1.00%
Margin of error(Calculated by VoxDash)
Calculated by VoxDash
General Papulation
Respondent qualification age18+
Data SamplingProbability Sampling
RegionsUnited States of America

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Created with Highcharts 8.2.2Chart context menuPie ChartCrop production (111) 0.39%Crop production (111) 0.39%Animal production and aquaculture (112) 0.26%Animal production and aquaculture (112) 0.26%Forestry except logging (1131, 1132) 0.02%Forestry except logging (1131, 1132) 0.02%Logging (1133) 0.03%Logging (1133) 0.03%Fishing, hunting and trapping (114) 0.02%Fishing, hunting and trapping (114) 0.02%Support activities for agriculture and forestry (115) 0.04%Support activities for agriculture and forestry (115) 0.04%Oil and gas extraction (211) 0.01%Oil and gas extraction (211) 0.01%Coal mining (2121) 0.03%Coal mining (2121) 0.03%Metal ore mining (2122) 0.02%Metal ore mining (2122) 0.02%Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying (2123) 0.04%Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying (2123) 0.04%Not specified type of mining (Part of 21) 0%Not specified type of mining (Part of 21) 0%Support activities for mining (213) 0.15%Support activities for mining (213) 0.15%Electric power generation, transmission and distribution (2211) 0.19%Electric power generation, transmission and distribution (2211) 0.19%Natural gas distribution (2212) 0.03%Natural gas distribution (2212) 0.03%Electric and gas, and other combinations (Pts. 2211, 2212) 0.03%Electric and gas, and other combinations (Pts. 2211, 2212) 0.03%Water, steam, air-conditioning, and irrigationsystems (22131, 22133) 0.07%Water, steam, air-conditioning, and irrigationsystems (22131, 22133) 0.07%Sewage treatment facilities (22132) 0.03%Sewage treatment facilities (22132) 0.03%Not specified utilities (Part of 22) 0.01%Not specified utilities (Part of 22) 0.01%Construction (the cleaning of buildings anddwellings is incidental during construction andimmediately after constructi 2.97%Construction (the cleaning of buildings anddwellings is incidental during construction andimmediately after constructi 2.97%Animal food, grain and oilseed milling (3111, 3112) 0.05%Animal food, grain and oilseed milling (3111, 3112) 0.05%Sugar and confectionery products (3113) 0.03%Sugar and confectionery products (3113) 0.03%Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty foodmanufacturing (3114) 0.04%Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty foodmanufacturing (3114) 0.04%Dairy product manufacturing (3115) 0.04%Dairy product manufacturing (3115) 0.04%Animal slaughtering and processing (3116) 0.12%Animal slaughtering and processing (3116) 0.12%Retail bakeries (311811) 0.07%Retail bakeries (311811) 0.07%Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing, except retailbakeries (3118 exc. 311811) 0.05%Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing, except retailbakeries (3118 exc. 311811) 0.05%Seafood and other miscellaneous foods, n.e.c. (3117, 3119) 0.05%Seafood and other miscellaneous foods, n.e.c. (3117, 3119) 0.05%Not specified food industries (Part of 311) 0.01%Not specified food industries (Part of 311) 0.01%Beverage manufacturing (3121) 0.07%Beverage manufacturing (3121) 0.07%Tobacco manufacturing (3122) 0%Tobacco manufacturing (3122) 0%Fiber, yarn, and thread mills (3131) 0%Fiber, yarn, and thread mills (3131) 0%Fabric mills, except knitting mills (3132 exc. 31324) 0.02%Fabric mills, except knitting mills (3132 exc. 31324) 0.02%Textile and fabric finishing and fabric coating mills (3133) 0%Textile and fabric finishing and fabric coating mills (3133) 0%Carpet and rug mills (31411) 0.01%Carpet and rug mills (31411) 0.01%Textile product mills, except carpet and rug (314 exc. 31411) 0.02%Textile product mills, except carpet and rug (314 exc. 31411) 0.02%Knitting fabric mills, and apparel knitting mills (31324, 3151) 0%Knitting fabric mills, and apparel knitting mills (31324, 3151) 0%Cut and sew, and apparel accessories and otherapparel manufacturing (3152, 3159) 0.04%Cut and sew, and apparel accessories and otherapparel manufacturing (3152, 3159) 0.04%Footwear manufacturing (3162) 0.01%Footwear manufacturing (3162) 0.01%Leather and hide tanning and finishing, and otherleather and allied product manufacturing (3161,3169) 0%Leather and hide tanning and finishing, and otherleather and allied product manufacturing (3161,3169) 0%Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills (3221) 0.05%Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills (3221) 0.05%Paperboard container manufacturing (32221) 0.02%Paperboard container manufacturing (32221) 0.02%Miscellaneous paper and pulp products (32222,32223, 32229) 0.01%Miscellaneous paper and pulp products (32222,32223, 32229) 0.01%Printing and related support activities (3231) 0.10%Printing and related support activities (3231) 0.10%Petroleum refining (32411) 0.05%Petroleum refining (32411) 0.05%Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products (32412, 32419) 0%Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products (32412, 32419) 0%Resin, synthetic rubber, and fibers and filamentsmanufacturing (3252) 0.03%Resin, synthetic rubber, and fibers and filamentsmanufacturing (3252) 0.03%Agricultural chemical manufacturing (3253) 0.01%Agricultural chemical manufacturing (3253) 0.01%Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing (3254) 0.16%Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing (3254) 0.16%Paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing (3255) 0.02%Paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing (3255) 0.02%Soap, cleaning compound, and cosmetics manufacturing (3256) 0.04%Soap, cleaning compound, and cosmetics manufacturing (3256) 0.04%Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals (3251, 3259) 0.11%Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals (3251, 3259) 0.11%Plastics product manufacturing (3261) 0.11%Plastics product manufacturing (3261) 0.11%Tire manufacturing (32621) 0.01%Tire manufacturing (32621) 0.01%Rubber products, except tires, manufacturing (32622, 32629) 0.01%Rubber products, except tires, manufacturing (32622, 32629) 0.01%Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixture manufacturing (32711) 0.01%Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixture manufacturing (32711) 0.01%Clay building material and refractories manufacturing (327120) 0.01%Clay building material and refractories manufacturing (327120) 0.01%Glass and glass product manufacturing (3272) 0.03%Glass and glass product manufacturing (3272) 0.03%Cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum productmanufacturing (3273, 3274) 0.05%Cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum productmanufacturing (3273, 3274) 0.05%Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (3279) 0.02%Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (3279) 0.02%Iron and steel mills and steel productmanufacturing (3311, 3312) 0.06%Iron and steel mills and steel productmanufacturing (3311, 3312) 0.06%Aluminum production and processing (3313) 0.02%Aluminum production and processing (3313) 0.02%Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) productionand processing (3314) 0.01%Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) productionand processing (3314) 0.01%Foundries (3315) 0.01%Foundries (3315) 0.01%Metal forgings and stampings (3321) 0%Metal forgings and stampings (3321) 0%Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing (3322) 0.01%Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing (3322) 0.01%Structural metals, and boiler, tank, and shippingcontainer manufacturing (3323, 3324) 0.08%Structural metals, and boiler, tank, and shippingcontainer manufacturing (3323, 3324) 0.08%Machine shops; turned product; screw, nut, andbolt manufacturing (3327) 0.08%Machine shops; turned product; screw, nut, andbolt manufacturing (3327) 0.08%Coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied activities (3328) 0.01%Coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied activities (3328) 0.01%Ordnance (332992, 332993, 332994, 332996) 0.02%Ordnance (332992, 332993, 332994, 332996) 0.02%Miscellaneous fabricated metal productsmanufacturing (3325, 3326, 3329 exc. 332992,332993, 332994, 332996) 0.09%Miscellaneous fabricated metal productsmanufacturing (3325, 3326, 3329 exc. 332992,332993, 332994, 332996) 0.09%Not specified metal industries (Part of 331 and 332) 0.01%Not specified metal industries (Part of 331 and 332) 0.01%Agricultural implement manufacturing (33311) 0.04%Agricultural implement manufacturing (33311) 0.04%Construction, and mining and oil and gas fieldmachinery manufacturing (33312, 33313) 0.04%Construction, and mining and oil and gas fieldmachinery manufacturing (33312, 33313) 0.04%Commercial and service industry machinerymanufacturing (3333) 0.02%Commercial and service industry machinerymanufacturing (3333) 0.02%Metalworking machinery manufacturing (3335) 0.03%Metalworking machinery manufacturing (3335) 0.03%Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipmentmanufacturing (3336) 0.01%Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipmentmanufacturing (3336) 0.01%Machinery manufacturing, n.e.c. or not specified(3332, 3334, 3339, Part of 333) 0.16%Machinery manufacturing, n.e.c. or not specified(3332, 3334, 3339, Part of 333) 0.16%Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing (3341) 0.04%Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing (3341) 0.04%Communications, audio, and video equipmentmanufacturing (3342, 3343) 0.03%Communications, audio, and video equipmentmanufacturing (3342, 3343) 0.03%Navigational, measuring, electromedical, andcontrol instruments manufacturing (3345) 0.05%Navigational, measuring, electromedical, andcontrol instruments manufacturing (3345) 0.05%Electronic component and product manufacturing,n.e.c. (3344, 3346) 0.14%Electronic component and product manufacturing,n.e.c. (3344, 3346) 0.14%Household appliance manufacturing (3352) 0.02%Household appliance manufacturing (3352) 0.02%Electric lighting and electrical equipmentmanufacturing, and other electrical componentmanufacturing, n.e.c. (3351, 33 0.08%Electric lighting and electrical equipmentmanufacturing, and other electrical componentmanufacturing, n.e.c. (3351, 33 0.08%Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipmentmanufacturing (3361, 3362, 3363) 0.33%Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipmentmanufacturing (3361, 3362, 3363) 0.33%Aircraft and parts manufacturing (336411, 336412, 336413) 0.18%Aircraft and parts manufacturing (336411, 336412, 336413) 0.18%Aerospace products and parts manufacturing(336414, 336415, 336419) 0.02%Aerospace products and parts manufacturing(336414, 336415, 336419) 0.02%Railroad rolling stock manufacturing (3365) 0.01%Railroad rolling stock manufacturing (3365) 0.01%Ship and boat building (3366) 0.05%Ship and boat building (3366) 0.05%Other transportation equipment manufacturing (3369) 0.01%Other transportation equipment manufacturing (3369) 0.01%Sawmills and wood preservation (3211) 0.05%Sawmills and wood preservation (3211) 0.05%Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood products (3212) 0.01%Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood products (3212) 0.01%Prefabricated wood buildings and mobile homesmanufacturing (321991, 321992) 0.01%Prefabricated wood buildings and mobile homesmanufacturing (321991, 321992) 0.01%Miscellaneous wood products (3219 exc. 321991, 321992) 0.07%Miscellaneous wood products (3219 exc. 321991, 321992) 0.07%Furniture and related product manufacturing (337) 0.09%Furniture and related product manufacturing (337) 0.09%Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing (3391) 0.15%Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing (3391) 0.15%Sporting and athletic goods, and doll, toy and gamemanufacturing (33992, 33993) 0.03%Sporting and athletic goods, and doll, toy and gamemanufacturing (33992, 33993) 0.03%Miscellaneous manufacturing, n.e.c. (3399 exc. 33992, 33993) 0.11%Miscellaneous manufacturing, n.e.c. (3399 exc. 33992, 33993) 0.11%Not specified manufacturing industries (Part of 31, 32, 33) 0.11%Not specified manufacturing industries (Part of 31, 32, 33) 0.11%Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and suppliesmerchant wholesalers (4231) 0.04%Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and suppliesmerchant wholesalers (4231) 0.04%Furniture and home furnishing merchant wholesalers (4232) 0.02%Furniture and home furnishing merchant wholesalers (4232) 0.02%Lumber and other construction materials merchantwholesalers (4233) 0.04%Lumber and other construction materials merchantwholesalers (4233) 0.04%Professional and commercial equipment andsupplies merchant wholesalers (4234) 0.05%Professional and commercial equipment andsupplies merchant wholesalers (4234) 0.05%Metals and minerals, except petroleum, merchantwholesalers (4235) 0.01%Metals and minerals, except petroleum, merchantwholesalers (4235) 0.01%Household appliances and electrical and electronicgoods merchant wholesalers (4236) 0.04%Household appliances and electrical and electronicgoods merchant wholesalers (4236) 0.04%Hardware, and plumbing and heating equipment,and supplies merchant wholesalers (4237) 0.04%Hardware, and plumbing and heating equipment,and supplies merchant wholesalers (4237) 0.04%Machinery, equipment, and supplies merchantwholesalers (4238) 0.09%Machinery, equipment, and supplies merchantwholesalers (4238) 0.09%Recyclable material merchant wholesalers (42393) 0.02%Recyclable material merchant wholesalers (42393) 0.02%Miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers(4239 exc. 42393) 0.02%Miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers(4239 exc. 42393) 0.02%Paper and paper products merchant wholesalers (4241) 0.01%Paper and paper products merchant wholesalers (4241) 0.01%Drugs, sundries, and chemical and allied productsmerchant wholesalers (4242, 4246) 0.05%Drugs, sundries, and chemical and allied productsmerchant wholesalers (4242, 4246) 0.05%Apparel, piece goods, and notions merchant wholesalers (4243) 0.02%Apparel, piece goods, and notions merchant wholesalers (4243) 0.02%Grocery and related product merchant wholesalers (4244) 0.21%Grocery and related product merchant wholesalers (4244) 0.21%Farm product raw material merchant wholesalers (4245) 0.03%Farm product raw material merchant wholesalers (4245) 0.03%Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers (4247) 0.04%Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers (4247) 0.04%Alcoholic beverages merchant wholesalers (4248) 0.04%Alcoholic beverages merchant wholesalers (4248) 0.04%Farm supplies merchant wholesalers (42491) 0.01%Farm supplies merchant wholesalers (42491) 0.01%Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchantwholesalers (4249 exc. 42491) 0.06%Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchantwholesalers (4249 exc. 42491) 0.06%Wholesale electronic markets and agents and brokers (4251) 0.01%Wholesale electronic markets and agents and brokers (4251) 0.01%Not specified wholesale trade (Part of 42) 0.03%Not specified wholesale trade (Part of 42) 0.03%Automobile dealers (4411) 0.32%Automobile dealers (4411) 0.32%Other motor vehicle dealers (4412) 0.05%Other motor vehicle dealers (4412) 0.05%Automotive parts, accessories, and tire stores (4413) 0.12%Automotive parts, accessories, and tire stores (4413) 0.12%Furniture and home furnishings stores (442) 0.11%Furniture and home furnishings stores (442) 0.11%Household appliance stores (443141) 0.02%Household appliance stores (443141) 0.02%Electronics Stores (443142) 0.09%Electronics Stores (443142) 0.09%Building material and supplies dealers (4441 exc. 44413) 0.30%Building material and supplies dealers (4441 exc. 44413) 0.30%Hardware stores (44413) 0.05%Hardware stores (44413) 0.05%Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores (4442) 0.09%Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores (4442) 0.09%Supermarkets and other grocery (exceptconvenience) stores (44511) 0.65%Supermarkets and other grocery (exceptconvenience) stores (44511) 0.65%Convenience Stores (44512) 0.09%Convenience Stores (44512) 0.09%Specialty food stores (4452) 0.05%Specialty food stores (4452) 0.05%Beer, wine, and liquor stores (4453) 0.04%Beer, wine, and liquor stores (4453) 0.04%Pharmacies and drug stores (44611) 0.21%Pharmacies and drug stores (44611) 0.21%Health and personal care, except drug, stores (446 exc. 44611) 0.11%Health and personal care, except drug, stores (446 exc. 44611) 0.11%Gasoline stations (447) 0.14%Gasoline stations (447) 0.14%Clothing stores (4481) 0.23%Clothing stores (4481) 0.23%Shoe stores (44821) 0.03%Shoe stores (44821) 0.03%Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores (4483) 0.04%Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores (4483) 0.04%Sporting goods, and hobby and toy stores (45111, 45112) 0.13%Sporting goods, and hobby and toy stores (45111, 45112) 0.13%Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores (45113) 0.01%Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores (45113) 0.01%Musical instrument and supplies stores (45114) 0.01%Musical instrument and supplies stores (45114) 0.01%Book stores and news dealers (45121) 0.02%Book stores and news dealers (45121) 0.02%Department stores (45221) 0.07%Department stores (45221) 0.07%General merchandise stores, including warehouseclubs and supercenters (4523) 0.52%General merchandise stores, including warehouseclubs and supercenters (4523) 0.52%Florists (4531) 0.03%Florists (4531) 0.03%Office supplies and stationery stores (45321) 0.02%Office supplies and stationery stores (45321) 0.02%Used merchandise stores (4533) 0.07%Used merchandise stores (4533) 0.07%Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops (45322) 0.03%Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops (45322) 0.03%Miscellaneous retail stores (4539) 0.16%Miscellaneous retail stores (4539) 0.16%Electronic shopping and mail-order houses (454110) 0.19%Electronic shopping and mail-order houses (454110) 0.19%Vending machine operators (4542) 0.01%Vending machine operators (4542) 0.01%Fuel dealers (454310) 0.03%Fuel dealers (454310) 0.03%Other direct selling establishments (45439) 0.02%Other direct selling establishments (45439) 0.02%Not specified retail trade (Part of 44, 45) 0.12%Not specified retail trade (Part of 44, 45) 0.12%Air transportation (481) 0.15%Air transportation (481) 0.15%Rail transportation (482) 0.06%Rail transportation (482) 0.06%Water transportation (483) 0.02%Water transportation (483) 0.02%Truck transportation (484) 0.60%Truck transportation (484) 0.60%Bus service and urban transit (4851, 4852, 4854, 4855, 4859) 0.12%Bus service and urban transit (4851, 4852, 4854, 4855, 4859) 0.12%Taxi and limousine service (4853) 0.09%Taxi and limousine service (4853) 0.09%Pipeline transportation (486) 0.02%Pipeline transportation (486) 0.02%Scenic and sightseeing transportation (487) 0.01%Scenic and sightseeing transportation (487) 0.01%Services incidental to transportation (488) 0.20%Services incidental to transportation (488) 0.20%Postal Service (491) 0.15%Postal Service (491) 0.15%Couriers and messengers (492) 0.37%Couriers and messengers (492) 0.37%Warehousing and storage (493) 0.25%Warehousing and storage (493) 0.25%Newspaper publishers (51111) 0.04%Newspaper publishers (51111) 0.04%Periodical, book, and directory publishers (5111 exc. 51111) 0.05%Periodical, book, and directory publishers (5111 exc. 51111) 0.05%Software publishers (5112) 0.01%Software publishers (5112) 0.01%Motion pictures and video industries (5121) 0.10%Motion pictures and video industries (5121) 0.10%Sound recording industries (5122) 0.01%Sound recording industries (5122) 0.01%Broadcasting (except internet) (515) 0.09%Broadcasting (except internet) (515) 0.09%Internet publishing and broadcasting and websearch portals (51913) 0.06%Internet publishing and broadcasting and websearch portals (51913) 0.06%Wired telecommunications carriers (517311) 0.10%Wired telecommunications carriers (517311) 0.10%Telecommunications, except wiredtelecommunications carriers (517 exc. 517311)0.11%Telecommunications, except wiredtelecommunications carriers (517 exc. 517311)0.11%Data processing, hosting, and related services (5182) 0.03%Data processing, hosting, and related services (5182) 0.03%Libraries and archives (51912) 0.04%Libraries and archives (51912) 0.04%Other information services, except libraries andarchives, and internet publishing and broadcastingand web search porta 0.01%Other information services, except libraries andarchives, and internet publishing and broadcastingand web search porta 0.01%Banking and related activities (521, 52211,52219) 0.48%Banking and related activities (521, 52211,52219) 0.48%Savings institutions, including credit unions (52212, 52213) 0.08%Savings institutions, including credit unions (52212, 52213) 0.08%Nondepository credit and related activities (5222, 5223) 0.27%Nondepository credit and related activities (5222, 5223) 0.27%Securities, commodities, funds, trusts, and otherfinancial investments (523, 525) 0.33%Securities, commodities, funds, trusts, and otherfinancial investments (523, 525) 0.33%Insurance carriers (5241) 0.41%Insurance carriers (5241) 0.41%Agencies, brokerages, and other insurance relatedactivities (5242) 0.25%Agencies, brokerages, and other insurance relatedactivities (5242) 0.25%Lessors of real estate, and offices of real estateagents and brokers (5311, 5312) 0.56%Lessors of real estate, and offices of real estateagents and brokers (5311, 5312) 0.56%Real estate property managers, offices of realestate appraisers, and other activities related toreal estate (5313) 0.15%Real estate property managers, offices of realestate appraisers, and other activities related toreal estate (5313) 0.15%Automotive equipment rental and leasing (5321) 0.04%Automotive equipment rental and leasing (5321) 0.04%Other consumer goods rental (53221, 532281,532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 5323) 0.02%Other consumer goods rental (53221, 532281,532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 5323) 0.02%Commercial, industrial, and other intangible assetsrental and leasing (5324, 533) 0.03%Commercial, industrial, and other intangible assetsrental and leasing (5324, 533) 0.03%Legal services (5411) 0.41%Legal services (5411) 0.41%Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, andpayroll services (5412) 0.26%Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, andpayroll services (5412) 0.26%Architectural, engineering, and related services (5413) 0.46%Architectural, engineering, and related services (5413) 0.46%Specialized design services (5414) 0.11%Specialized design services (5414) 0.11%Computer systems design and related services (5415) 0.93%Computer systems design and related services (5415) 0.93%Management, scientific, and technical consulting services (5416) 0.43%Management, scientific, and technical consulting services (5416) 0.43%Scientific research and development services (5417) 0.22%Scientific research and development services (5417) 0.22%Advertising, public relations, and related services (5418) 0.14%Advertising, public relations, and related services (5418) 0.14%Veterinary services (54194) 0.12%Veterinary services (54194) 0.12%Other professional, scientific, and technicalservices (5419 exc. 54194) 0.17%Other professional, scientific, and technicalservices (5419 exc. 54194) 0.17%Management of companies and enterprises (55) 0.01%Management of companies and enterprises (55) 0.01%Employment services (5613) 0.23%Employment services (5613) 0.23%Business support services (5614) 0.13%Business support services (5614) 0.13%Travel arrangements and reservation services (5615) 0.08%Travel arrangements and reservation services (5615) 0.08%Investigation and security services (5616) 0.21%Investigation and security services (5616) 0.21%Services to buildings and dwellings (except cleaningduring construction and immediately afterconstruction) (5617 exc. 0.47%Services to buildings and dwellings (except cleaningduring construction and immediately afterconstruction) (5617 exc. 0.47%Landscaping services (56173) 0.38%Landscaping services (56173) 0.38%Other administrative and other support services(5611, 5612, 5619) 0.08%Other administrative and other support services(5611, 5612, 5619) 0.08%Waste management and remediation services (562) 0.12%Waste management and remediation services (562) 0.12%Elementary and secondary schools (6111) 2.31%Elementary and secondary schools (6111) 2.31%Colleges, universities, and professional schools,including junior colleges (6112, 6113) 0.98%Colleges, universities, and professional schools,including junior colleges (6112, 6113) 0.98%Business, technical, and trade schools and training (6114, 6115) 0.01%Business, technical, and trade schools and training (6114, 6115) 0.01%Other schools and instruction, and educationalsupport services (6116, 6117) 0.23%Other schools and instruction, and educationalsupport services (6116, 6117) 0.23%Offices of physicians (6211) 0.38%Offices of physicians (6211) 0.38%Offices of dentists (6212) 0.26%Offices of dentists (6212) 0.26%Offices of chiropractors (62131) 0.04%Offices of chiropractors (62131) 0.04%Offices of optometrists (62132) 0.05%Offices of optometrists (62132) 0.05%Offices of other health practitioners (6213 exc. 62131, 62132) 0.09%Offices of other health practitioners (6213 exc. 62131, 62132) 0.09%Outpatient care centers (6214) 0.58%Outpatient care centers (6214) 0.58%Home health care services (6216) 0.38%Home health care services (6216) 0.38%Other health care services (6215, 6219) 0.42%Other health care services (6215, 6219) 0.42%General medical and surgical hospitals, andspecialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse)hospitals (6221, 6223) 1.84%General medical and surgical hospitals, andspecialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse)hospitals (6221, 6223) 1.84%Psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals (6222) 0.03%Psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals (6222) 0.03%Nursing care facilities (skilled nursing facilities) (6231) 0.36%Nursing care facilities (skilled nursing facilities) (6231) 0.36%Residential care facilities, except skilled nursingfacilities (6232, 6233, 6239) 0.24%Residential care facilities, except skilled nursingfacilities (6232, 6233, 6239) 0.24%Individual and family services (6241) 0.42%Individual and family services (6241) 0.42%Community food and housing, and emergency services (6242) 0.03%Community food and housing, and emergency services (6242) 0.03%Vocational rehabilitation services (6243) 0.03%Vocational rehabilitation services (6243) 0.03%Child day care services (6244) 0.36%Child day care services (6244) 0.36%Performing arts companies (7111) 0.04%Performing arts companies (7111) 0.04%Spectator sports (7112) 0.03%Spectator sports (7112) 0.03%Promoters of performing arts, sports, and similarevents, agents and managers for artists, athletes,entertainers, and o 0.02%Promoters of performing arts, sports, and similarevents, agents and managers for artists, athletes,entertainers, and o 0.02%Independent artists, writers, and performers (7115) 0.11%Independent artists, writers, and performers (7115) 0.11%Museums, art galleries, historical sites, and similarinstitutions (712) 0.11%Museums, art galleries, historical sites, and similarinstitutions (712) 0.11%Bowling centers (71395) 0.01%Bowling centers (71395) 0.01%Other amusement, gambling, and recreationindustries (713 exc. 71395) 0.49%Other amusement, gambling, and recreationindustries (713 exc. 71395) 0.49%Traveler accommodation (7211) 0.33%Traveler accommodation (7211) 0.33%Recreational vehicle parks and camps, androoming and boarding houses, dormitories, andworkers' camps (7212, 7213) 0.02%Recreational vehicle parks and camps, androoming and boarding houses, dormitories, andworkers' camps (7212, 7213) 0.02%Restaurants and other food services (722 exc. 7224) 2.32%Restaurants and other food services (722 exc. 7224) 2.32%Drinking places, alcoholic beverages (7224) 0.05%Drinking places, alcoholic beverages (7224) 0.05%Automotive repair and maintenance (8111 exc. 811192) 0.34%Automotive repair and maintenance (8111 exc. 811192) 0.34%Car washes (811192) 0.05%Car washes (811192) 0.05%Electronic and precision equipment repair andmaintenance (8112) 0.04%Electronic and precision equipment repair andmaintenance (8112) 0.04%Commercial and industrial machinery andequipment repair and maintenance (8113) 0.10%Commercial and industrial machinery andequipment repair and maintenance (8113) 0.10%Personal and household goods repair and maintenance (8114) 0.05%Personal and household goods repair and maintenance (8114) 0.05%Barber shops (812111) 0.03%Barber shops (812111) 0.03%Beauty salons (812112) 0.27%Beauty salons (812112) 0.27%Nail salons and other personal care services (812113, 81219) 0.12%Nail salons and other personal care services (812113, 81219) 0.12%Drycleaning and laundry services (8123) 0.06%Drycleaning and laundry services (8123) 0.06%Funeral homes, and cemeteries and crematories (8122) 0.04%Funeral homes, and cemeteries and crematories (8122) 0.04%Other personal services (8129) 0.12%Other personal services (8129) 0.12%Religious organizations (8131) 0.29%Religious organizations (8131) 0.29%Civic, social, advocacy organizations, andgrantmaking and giving services (8132, 8133,8134) 0.22%Civic, social, advocacy organizations, andgrantmaking and giving services (8132, 8133,8134) 0.22%Labor unions (81393) 0.02%Labor unions (81393) 0.02%Business, professional, political, and similarorganizations (8139 exc. 81393) 0.05%Business, professional, political, and similarorganizations (8139 exc. 81393) 0.05%Private households (814) 0.19%Private households (814) 0.19%Executive offices and legislative bodies (92111,92112, 92114, pt. 92115) 0.29%Executive offices and legislative bodies (92111,92112, 92114, pt. 92115) 0.29%Public finance activities (92113) 0.09%Public finance activities (92113) 0.09%Other general government and support (92119) 0.06%Other general government and support (92119) 0.06%Justice, public order, and safety activities (922, pt. 92115) 0.66%Justice, public order, and safety activities (922, pt. 92115) 0.66%Administration of human resource programs (923) 0.34%Administration of human resource programs (923) 0.34%Administration of environmental quality andhousing programs (924, 925) 0.10%Administration of environmental quality andhousing programs (924, 925) 0.10%Administration of economic programs and spaceresearch (926, 927) 0.18%Administration of economic programs and spaceresearch (926, 927) 0.18%National security and international affairs (928) 0.30%National security and international affairs (928) 0.30%U. S. Army (928110) 0%U. S. Army (928110) 0%U. S. Air Force (928110) 0%U. S. Air Force (928110) 0%U. S. Navy (928110) 0%U. S. Navy (928110) 0%U. S. Marines (928110) 0%U. S. Marines (928110) 0%U. S. Coast Guard (928110) 0%U. S. Coast Guard (928110) 0%Armed Forces, Branch not specified (928110) 0%Armed Forces, Branch not specified (928110) 0%Military Reserves or National Guard (928110) 0%Military Reserves or National Guard (928110) 0%Unemployed, last worked 5 years ago or earlier ornever worked (nan) 0%Unemployed, last worked 5 years ago or earlier ornever worked (nan) 0%-1 59.98%-1 59.98%9890 0.01%9890 0.01%Crop production (111)Animal production and aquaculture (112)Forestry except logging (1131, 1132)Logging (1133)Fishing, hunting and trapping (114)Support activities for agriculture and forestry (115)Oil and gas extraction (211)Coal mining (2121)Metal ore mining (2122)Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying (2123)Not specified type of mining (Part of 21)Support activities for mining (213)Electric power generation, transmission and distribution (2211)Natural gas distribution (2212)Electric and gas, and other combinations (Pts. 2211, 2212)Water, steam, air-conditioning, and irrigation systems (22131, 22133)Sewage treatment facilities (22132)Not specified utilities (Part of 22)Construction (the cleaning of buildings and dwellings is incidental during construction and immediately after constructiAnimal food, grain and oilseed milling (3111, 3112)Sugar and confectionery products (3113)Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing (3114)Dairy product manufacturing (3115)Animal slaughtering and processing (3116)Retail bakeries (311811)Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing, except retail bakeries (3118 exc. 311811)Seafood and other miscellaneous foods, n.e.c. (3117, 3119)Not specified food industries (Part of 311)Beverage manufacturing (3121)Tobacco manufacturing (3122)Fiber, yarn, and thread mills (3131)Fabric mills, except knitting mills (3132 exc. 31324)Textile and fabric finishing and fabric coating mills (3133)Carpet and rug mills (31411)Textile product mills, except carpet and rug (314 exc. 31411)Knitting fabric mills, and apparel knitting mills (31324, 3151)Cut and sew, and apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing (3152, 3159)Footwear manufacturing (3162)Leather and hide tanning and finishing, and other leather and allied product manufacturing (3161, 3169)Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills (3221)Paperboard container manufacturing (32221)Miscellaneous paper and pulp products (32222,32223, 32229)Printing and related support activities (3231)Petroleum refining (32411)Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products (32412, 32419)Resin, synthetic rubber, and fibers and filaments manufacturing (3252)Agricultural chemical manufacturing (3253)Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing (3254)Paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing (3255)Soap, cleaning compound, and cosmetics manufacturing (3256)Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals (3251, 3259)Plastics product manufacturing (3261)Tire manufacturing (32621)Rubber products, except tires, manufacturing (32622, 32629)Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixture manufacturing (32711)Clay building material and refractories manufacturing (327120)Glass and glass product manufacturing (3272)Cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum product manufacturing (3273, 3274)Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (3279)Iron and steel mills and steel product manufacturing (3311, 3312)Aluminum production and processing (3313)Nonferrous metal (except aluminum) production and processing (3314)Foundries (3315)Metal forgings and stampings (3321)Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing (3322)Structural metals, and boiler, tank, and shipping container manufacturing (3323, 3324)Machine shops; turned product; screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing (3327)Coating, engraving, heat treating, and allied activities (3328)Ordnance (332992, 332993, 332994, 332996)Miscellaneous fabricated metal products manufacturing (3325, 3326, 3329 exc. 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996)Not specified metal industries (Part of 331 and 332)Agricultural implement manufacturing (33311)Construction, and mining and oil and gas field machinery manufacturing (33312, 33313)Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing (3333)Metalworking machinery manufacturing (3335)Engine, turbine, and power transmission equipment manufacturing (3336)Machinery manufacturing, n.e.c. or not specified (3332, 3334, 3339, Part of 333)Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing (3341)Communications, audio, and video equipment manufacturing (3342, 3343)Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing (3345)Electronic component and product manufacturing, n.e.c. (3344, 3346)Household appliance manufacturing (3352)Electric lighting and electrical equipment manufacturing, and other electrical component manufacturing, n.e.c. (3351, 33Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment manufacturing (3361, 3362, 3363)Aircraft and parts manufacturing (336411, 336412, 336413)Aerospace products and parts manufacturing (336414, 336415, 336419)Railroad rolling stock manufacturing (3365)Ship and boat building (3366)Other transportation equipment manufacturing (3369)Sawmills and wood preservation (3211)Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood products (3212)Prefabricated wood buildings and mobile homes manufacturing (321991, 321992)Miscellaneous wood products (3219 exc. 321991, 321992)Furniture and related product manufacturing (337)Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing (3391)Sporting and athletic goods, and doll, toy and game manufacturing (33992, 33993)Miscellaneous manufacturing, n.e.c. (3399 exc. 33992, 33993)Not specified manufacturing industries (Part of 31, 32, 33)Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts and supplies merchant wholesalers (4231)Furniture and home furnishing merchant wholesalers (4232)Lumber and other construction materials merchant wholesalers (4233)Professional and commercial equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers (4234)Metals and minerals, except petroleum, merchant wholesalers (4235)Household appliances and electrical and electronic goods merchant wholesalers (4236)Hardware, and plumbing and heating equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers (4237)Machinery, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers (4238)Recyclable material merchant wholesalers (42393)Miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers (4239 exc. 42393)Paper and paper products merchant wholesalers (4241)Drugs, sundries, and chemical and allied products merchant wholesalers (4242, 4246)Apparel, piece goods, and notions merchant wholesalers (4243)Grocery and related product merchant wholesalers (4244)Farm product raw material merchant wholesalers (4245)Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers (4247)Alcoholic beverages merchant wholesalers (4248)Farm supplies merchant wholesalers (42491)Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchant wholesalers (4249 exc. 42491)Wholesale electronic markets and agents and brokers (4251)Not specified wholesale trade (Part of 42)Automobile dealers (4411)Other motor vehicle dealers (4412)Automotive parts, accessories, and tire stores (4413)Furniture and home furnishings stores (442)Household appliance stores (443141)Electronics Stores (443142)Building material and supplies dealers (4441 exc. 44413)Hardware stores (44413)Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores (4442)Supermarkets and other grocery (except convenience) stores (44511)Convenience Stores (44512)Specialty food stores (4452)Beer, wine, and liquor stores (4453)Pharmacies and drug stores (44611)Health and personal care, except drug, stores (446 exc. 44611)Gasoline stations (447)Clothing stores (4481)Shoe stores (44821)Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores (4483)Sporting goods, and hobby and toy stores (45111, 45112)Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores (45113)Musical instrument and supplies stores (45114)Book stores and news dealers (45121)Department stores (45221)General merchandise stores, including warehouse clubs and supercenters (4523)Florists (4531)Office supplies and stationery stores (45321)Used merchandise stores (4533)Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops (45322)Miscellaneous retail stores (4539)Electronic shopping and mail-order houses (454110)Vending machine operators (4542)Fuel dealers (454310)Other direct selling establishments (45439)Not specified retail trade (Part of 44, 45)Air transportation (481)Rail transportation (482)Water transportation (483)Truck transportation (484)Bus service and urban transit (4851, 4852, 4854, 4855, 4859)Taxi and limousine service (4853)Pipeline transportation (486)Scenic and sightseeing transportation (487)Services incidental to transportation (488)Postal Service (491)Couriers and messengers (492)Warehousing and storage (493)Newspaper publishers (51111)Periodical, book, and directory publishers (5111 exc. 51111)Software publishers (5112)Motion pictures and video industries (5121)Sound recording industries (5122)Broadcasting (except internet) (515)Internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals (51913)Wired telecommunications carriers (517311)Telecommunications, except wired telecommunications carriers (517 exc. 517311)Data processing, hosting, and related services (5182)Libraries and archives (51912)Other information services, except libraries and archives, and internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portaBanking and related activities (521, 52211,52219)Savings institutions, including credit unions (52212, 52213)Nondepository credit and related activities (5222, 5223)Securities, commodities, funds, trusts, and other financial investments (523, 525)Insurance carriers (5241)Agencies, brokerages, and other insurance related activities (5242)Lessors of real estate, and offices of real estate agents and brokers (5311, 5312)Real estate property managers, offices of real estate appraisers, and other activities related to real estate (5313)Automotive equipment rental and leasing (5321)Other consumer goods rental (53221, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 5323)Commercial, industrial, and other intangible assets rental and leasing (5324, 533)Legal services (5411)Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services (5412)Architectural, engineering, and related services (5413)Specialized design services (5414)Computer systems design and related services (5415)Management, scientific, and technical consulting services (5416)Scientific research and development services (5417)Advertising, public relations, and related services (5418)Veterinary services (54194)Other professional, scientific, and technical services (5419 exc. 54194)Management of companies and enterprises (55)Employment services (5613)Business support services (5614)Travel arrangements and reservation services (5615)Investigation and security services (5616)Services to buildings and dwellings (except cleaning during construction and immediately after construction) (5617 exc.Landscaping services (56173)Other administrative and other support services (5611, 5612, 5619)Waste management and remediation services (562)Elementary and secondary schools (6111)Colleges, universities, and professional schools, including junior colleges (6112, 6113)Business, technical, and trade schools and training (6114, 6115)Other schools and instruction, and educational support services (6116, 6117)Offices of physicians (6211)Offices of dentists (6212)Offices of chiropractors (62131)Offices of optometrists (62132)Offices of other health practitioners (6213 exc. 62131, 62132)Outpatient care centers (6214)Home health care services (6216)Other health care services (6215, 6219)General medical and surgical hospitals, and specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals (6221, 6223)Psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals (6222)Nursing care facilities (skilled nursing facilities) (6231)Residential care facilities, except skilled nursing facilities (6232, 6233, 6239)Individual and family services (6241)Community food and housing, and emergency services (6242)Vocational rehabilitation services (6243)Child day care services (6244)Performing arts companies (7111)Spectator sports (7112)Promoters of performing arts, sports, and similar events, agents and managers for artists, athletes, entertainers, and oIndependent artists, writers, and performers (7115)Museums, art galleries, historical sites, and similar institutions (712)Bowling centers (71395)Other amusement, gambling, and recreation industries (713 exc. 71395)Traveler accommodation (7211)Recreational vehicle parks and camps, and rooming and boarding houses, dormitories, and workers' camps (7212, 7213)Restaurants and other food services (722 exc. 7224)Drinking places, alcoholic beverages (7224)Automotive repair and maintenance (8111 exc. 811192)Car washes (811192)Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance (8112)Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance (8113)Personal and household goods repair and maintenance (8114)Barber shops (812111)Beauty salons (812112)Nail salons and other personal care services (812113, 81219)Drycleaning and laundry services (8123)Funeral homes, and cemeteries and crematories (8122)Other personal services (8129)Religious organizations (8131)Civic, social, advocacy organizations, and grantmaking and giving services (8132, 8133, 8134)Labor unions (81393)Business, professional, political, and similar organizations (8139 exc. 81393)Private households (814)Executive offices and legislative bodies (92111, 92112, 92114, pt. 92115)Public finance activities (92113)Other general government and support (92119)Justice, public order, and safety activities (922, pt. 92115)Administration of human resource programs (923)Administration of environmental quality and housing programs (924, 925)Administration of economic programs and space research (926, 927)National security and international affairs (928)U. S. Army (928110)U. S. Air Force (928110)U. S. Navy (928110)U. S. Marines (928110)U. S. Coast Guard (928110)Armed Forces, Branch not specified (928110)Military Reserves or National Guard (928110)Unemployed, last worked 5 years ago or earlier or never worked (nan)-198901/25
United States of America
Technical Info