N/A Monitoring was not performed by the project. , Monitoring was performed, but was unable to conclusively find any human well-being benefit at this time. , The project staff believes that there are human well-being benefits based on personal visits to the project site and/or anecdotal evidence, but there is no supporting data. , some evidence , conclusive evidence
A Health Impact Assessment was completed in a portion of the area before the work began , No monitoring specific to this project. Project based human well-being impacts based on other studies of green spaces. , Project creates an official boat launch site that had historically been used as one. No monitoring is planned as main benefit of recreational improvement is reduced erosion. , Project funded multiple individual grant projects, each project may answer differently , modeling to determine flooding impacts , pre-test and post-test to high school students as target for outreach , Assessing impacts of invasive species on privately owned shorelines , A survey pre and post-treatment of site conditions from a human services perspective. This was done by the monitoring crew as part of the detailed assessments in a three tiered monitoring system , EPA-led Health Impact Assessment , Improving health and well being through recreation is a secondary objective and is achieved by designing the restoraiton to complement future city amenities (trails, fishing, etc). , The project is adjacent to a city park and was done in conjunction with a large City-funded revitilization project. The City of Duluth may have park user data. , Partner study with SUNY ESF - attitudes/knowledge about invasive species , For this project, one of two remaining dams in the Cuyahoga River AOC was removed. Paddlers no longer drown the dam's hydraulics. , Comments collected from the public visiting sites and hearing about priojects. , Comments recieved by the public about projects. , guest book on site for comments and how they heard about preserve , Cultural Revitalization , project not yet complete , Photographic