Response Options:It was difficult to accruately answer these questions as we had two projects on two creeks: one project consisted of sampling water quality on Beartrap Creek while the other consisted of completing a culvert replacement on Sucker Creek. One was intensive monitoring, the other was not. , This was a planning project and considered existing/ongoing monitoring data to set indicators and metrics for measuring progress. , Note that the project is ongoing so results oriented data is not available yet. , Pre and Post flow rates , Visual observation during site visits after completion , A sampling station was set up to compare this park site with the other Jackson Street Parking Lot site to analyze impacts for inclusion in future Stormwater Management guides. , Impact based on water quality modeling , This project has not broke ground yet, so water quality sampling has not occurred. , Hydrology monitoring , spot checks by conservation staff , Project funded multiple individual grant projects, each project may answer differently , bacteria monitoring at local beach (E.coli) , Extensive baseline survey and cross-sectional data were collected - Project will be implemented in 2021 and follow-up survey data will be collected and compared to the baseline data. Cannot yet answer the next two questions in this survey. , Flow monitoring , Post-implementation monitoring has not yet been conducted , Post restoration monitoring has not been performed yet , The Ohio EPA will include this project site in their long-term vegetation and wildlife monitoring program , regeneration and survivability counts of planted, young jack pine , N/A Land acquisition , This project is still ongoing. Final monitoring is pending completion of project deliverables. , Project is ongoing. Monitoring has not yet been completed. , direct observation, measurement of floodplain connectivity, vegetation success monitoring , Macroinvertebrates, fish, and stream morphology , Benthic macroinvertebrates, aquatic/terrestrial vegetation sampling, geotechnical survey , Project is still in the design phase - my answer represents planned monitoring. Will also include benthic macroinvertebrates and vegetation quality , any monitoring would have been for specific projects done in or very near streams...before after , Some monitoring—but very project specific. There we 10 or more sub-projects in this , Road/stream crossing assessment using Great Lakes protocol , Most of the project was installed in 2020, so 2021 is when we will begin maintenance and conduct essential monitoring. , Physical stream habitat aspects. , storm water absorption , IF ANY- The site on the UWM campus is a living laboratory for students. The site has been used for course assignments, but not coordinated or catalogued as far as I know. , Project not yet complete , The project has yet to be completed, and therefore no surveys have been conducted. , Soil core sampling , Mapping of most of the island was completed to determine the abundance of invasive buckthorn and honeysuckle. Only one round of treatment has been completed, so there will be further work to determine how treatment did in killing invasives. , Fish surveys are planned but have not yet been completed.