A citizen of [Kazakhstan/ Kyrgyzstan/ Tajikistan/ Uzbekistan] , A member of my ethnic group , A member of my religion , A member of my clan , Human (vol.) , Head of Household (vol.) , Mother (vol.) , Man / Woman (vol.) , Other (vol.) , Refused (vol.) , Don't Know (vol.)
(OMIT IN TUR) We don't have enough money to buy enough food , We have just enough money for buying food , We can buy food, but buying clothes causes financial difficulties , We can buy food and clothes, but do not have money to buy long-term items, like a TV or a refrigerator , We can buy long-term equipment, but we cannot afford to buy expensive things, like a car , Our income is enough for anything else but such things like a flat or a country house , We do not experience financial difficulties and if necessary can buy anything , Refused (vol.) , Too hard to say / Don't Know (vol.)