Response Options:the biggest issue I see is the inability of the Federal Government to fix our oil and gas and bitumen delivery issues which has a major impact on not only Alberta but all of Canada's economy. , econmy , security , -99 , economy , government accountability , the raise of taxes , lower possibly eliminate taxes for poor working people, tax only corporations , raising taxes , defeating the conservatives , the economy , job crisis for common man living in canada every couple of years , environment , Taxes and Teachers , seniors benifit , health care , Tuition rates cap placed by federal government , ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ON SOCIETY , Dont really follow the politics , jobs , Canadian economy , Economy , keeping more money in my pocket , keeping incompetent people from becoming pm , The Economy , Job security , tax , n/a , budget and job creatino , Veterans Affairs , ecomony , help low income , the immigration of other people , how they can give us more of our tax dollars back , not sure , healthcare and education , Government Pay should be cut back , Childcare , Taxes , taxes not being raised , Canada's Economy and Immigration , Platform to improve economy , Education , conservative majority , Mental Health Research and Treatment , good paying jobs , I am stuck between candidates to choose from , My income , Keeping the economy on track. , Veteran rights , The economy , stop letting immgrants in uless you know about them and must sign that they will follow our laws , ndp-pc-liberal - when they are voted in they are all just politicians!! , economy , limiting immigration from muslim countries, security , Government spending , daw , immigrants to this country demanding special privilages , Getting the Conservatives out of power , tax brackets for citizens , legalization of marijuana , Health care , Enviroment , Allocating tax payer's money in smarter ways in order for the country to benefit from , Seniors , everything , enviroment , Wealthy inequality. Higher taxes for the exceptionally rich. , Job stabilization , it is very confusing , canadian citizenship status for immigrants , transparency , Economy and the current recession , pharmacare , political spending of tax dollars , employment , Canadian culture protection , Removing a corrupt Conservative government from office. , Jobs and employment , seniors benefits , The economy, I don't make enough to pay everything I have to anymore. It is very frustrating. , hoping the liberal or ndp idiots do not get elected by the unwashed braindeads , more job creation and security , Jobs , Honesty and follow through...say what you can do and do what you say , old age pensions , Security of our country , stop rising costs of food , N/A , getting rid of harper , educational bugdet , strength of the economy , Senior pension , Affordable Housing , illegal drug usage , Gun Registratioin , dont know , how to help the refugee situation and how to better the economy! , the candidates , economy amd immigration , oil industry , transparency of government or lack thereof. , economey , dsdwrg rthrtht , Seniors Benefifts , taxes , fiscal responsibility , Bill C-51 , employment and taxes , Rich-poor gap closing , Immigration , Tax cuts to the middle class , The economy, and canadas lack of peacekeeping in other countries, but economy is more important to me , lack of honest caring candidates , healthcare , what it is going to cost us Canadians if we accept refugees $35,000. per person is unacceptable... While we have homeless, youths with no where to turn and starving children in our own back yards. , corruption , sustainability , Refugees, TFW program, better programs and benefits for immigrants that for Canadians , The job market and the increase of job losses , environmental , the segregation on first nations , THE ECONOMY , Environment!!!! , Economy/Dollar value , Budget , c-51 bill , canadian economic situation in relation to the global economic concerns , Health care. , nno , Getting rid of Harper , child care costs , Diversify our economy , Gun control , NO , Responsible budget handling , Someone who actually cares about the country and the people. , ECONOMY , I DONT AGREE WITH ALL THE OTHER CULTURES COMING TO CANADA AND BEING ALLOWED TO CONTINUE WITH THEIR CULTURE WHEN IT DONT GO ALONG WOTH OUR CULTURE. WE AS CANADIANS HAVE LAWS AND BYLAWS WE LIVE BY IF YOU ARE WELCOME TO CANADA THEN YOU MUST ABIDE BY OUR CULTURE AND RULES AND REGULATIONS. , economy and deficits , marijuana , Having a party leader who understands the "average" Canadian. , Accountability, government waste of taxpayer monies, the Senate, etc. , The fear of a wrong winner , open and accountable government , poverty and homelessness , tighten immigration laws , debt , justin trudeu in increasing taxes , Transparency and openess in government and lack of reduced corruption , The economy / job market , taxes, education finacing and the environment , Health Care , radical islam , Cost of Education for post secondary students and how the government plans to help their students with the costs , Having good enough option of candidates to vote for. , Health Care, immigration , too many foreign temp workers here my sons cant find kobs , Seniors / Pensions , more benefits for the middle class and less taxes , economy trust worthy government. , disability , The recession , Equality , unemployment , Refugees aren't turned away , Healthcare , Harper , helping seniors before helping immigrants , the focus each party has on International relationships , no more immagrents , no muslims, we have enough poor, homeless, we do not need more , political scandals , protecting the enviroment , accountability and honesty in politicians , ghukfku , get the job industry going , Afraid of Trudeu getting elected , honesty , Getting rid of our debt. , Minority affairs, including aboriginals. , Social Programs , How to work constructively towards environmental solutions that also appease those in favour of a strong economy. , fcyvguhbinjmk , The lack of transparency in gov't. The difficultly in acquiring information on government activities is most of concern to me. , Bringing our economy back up and taking us out of this recession , accountability and spending , dunno , stability coming into another mini recession , Taxes, economic security , Ecomomy , economy and creating jobs , Health care and debt reduction , Getting rid of Mr Harper as our Prime Minister , Equal Rights , econonmy , we need a change , Economics , Econmy , The economy and the investments of the citizens. , marijuana legalization , FORIGN POLICY , Immigrants rights , ECONOMIC , Keep the NDP out of a position of power , loss of jobs and higher taxes , OASP , accountability , Aboriginal Issues , Econemy , immigration/refugee , Fiscal responsibility , Environment , International trade , Post-secondary education costs. , Freedoms , Just getting people out to vote , Employment , Small business growth & support , current economic recession , rigging , The environment , why do people over 60 have to pay school tax are kid's are though school , affordable housing , Old Age Security inadquate , healthcare system , The range of selection , Environment and Jobs. , no issue , Strengthening the middle class , Racism , getting rid of Harper , growing canadas economy is a sustainable manner , getting rid of the Conservatives/Stephen Harper , LGBT , That my wage will not decrease and that if taxes are increased, that they would be used for relevant things for everyday people , dk , The most important issue for me for elections are if the campaigners will actually accomplished the promised they made for the community. , ethics , Immigrations and conformity to Canadian ways , Do not let the liberals or NDP win , jobs in alberta , Economy, better pensions for seniors , health care with regards to the extortionate pricing of dental care in Alberta specifically , c51 , Seniors Pensions and Care , Getting someone in office that will do what the say they will do. It doesn't matter who gets in office they are all the same in six months. , The economy. I want to keep my job. , Quit the overspending , environmental concerns , Marijuana Legalization , That we make a huge commitment to pay down our debt , not enough jobs for canadian workers from out country with our jobs , the disappearance of First Nation women , jobless , Accountability , How they plan t handle the royalties, and oil & Gas in Alberta? , lower taxes , enviorenment , Reversal of the new dual-class citizenship. , immigration , MEDICARE , getting rid of the dictator harper , transparent governing , Senior Care , Don't know , taxes on the middle class , Economic plans. Pay off debt. Reach and Remain in surplus. Invest the returns to communities in need (social services). , The economy and economic growth. , Get rid of Harper so we can save the CBC, river and lake moniters, government scientists, the environment, and our overal democracy., , Getting rid of Harper and his thugs , Removing tuition debt for university students. , The economy isn't very good. we need more jobs to open up. , Ensuring that the Conservatives remain in power = NDP = Evil & Liberals = plain dumb , Environmental , heath care , Making a change, get rid of the Consertives , Politic , Middle to lower income families and senior care , Environmental Policies , keeping the pcs in power , carding on black men , science , voting rights for Canadians that live abroad , Economy, and bill c-24 , To get rid of the current government , ecconomics , government fiscal responsiblity , quality of the party leaders, i.e. ethics, honesty, character, etc. , the right winner , the budget , employment, job loss , Health care funding. , Marijuana legalization , choice, too many good character , education , I do not follow the politics. , Defeating Harper , jobs with a good payment for the lower middle class! , homelessness , global energy, more specifically the government's plan when the price of LNG drops with the MSR's coming online in europe/india , no increase in taxes and user fees , GET RID OF HARPER , lower income housing/ aid , human rights and equality , erosion of our freedoms , Seniors GIS , muslim terrorism , whether the politician follows through with his promises , seniors , POVERTY , budget cuts , Corruption and accountability in Government , Seniors care, pensions and health costs,+ lower taxes for widowed and single seniors , immigration policies , economy - having well-paying jobs (NOT part-time) , Political corruption. The attitude of entitlement , Our economy , Housing prices. , Low interest rates , Corruption , CRIME , health care particularly womens and childrens , the getting out of a culture of fear that mallows a government to strip away our freedom , Economics is the most important to me and as long as oil prices are high Canada will be fine, since they have dropped significally the last year has nothing to do with politics , A change of leadership, removing the conservatives from power. , corruption and scandal , Job creation , housing , Quality jobs / middle class , Tired of the status quo of government policies , getting rid of a**hole harper , na , health care costs , getting harper out , Senior benefits , We need a change in venue, and not Justin. , Transparency within government , Social reform issues , the environment , University tuition , sadf , isis , better health care , honest government , the passing of bill C-51 , environment/pipelines , Enviromental issues. , I'm not that sure, I don't follow the Federal Election , study , The lack of openness in government decisions and policy. , jobs and economy , Cost of Tuition for University Students , Good management , Child care , crime , Honesty and openness in government , fair pay , santé , Fraqucking , bill c-51 and all the missing indigenous women of the nation , Getting rid of Stephen Harper , health plan funding , Poverty. , to vote out harper. , Security , Climate Change , government waste of taxpayers' money , budget , accountability of elected liars , Get rid of Harper , The economy and jobs , Usage of tax payer's money , keeping things stable , Income inequality , Benefits , HELPING THE WORKING PEOPLE . GETTING MORE MONEY FOR THE POEPLE AND MORE MONEY FOR HEALTH CARE , terrorism , clarity , more benefits for seniors , keeping Canada healthy , high taxes , Co-op housing , no good , Human rights and freedoms , Social issues , Don't want Harper to win, but also not entirely sure who to vote for. , the envionment , Budget Cuts , enviromant and economy , balancing the environment and the economy , medical funding , income inequality , Health and welfare , We need a new government , the state of the economy - jobs , Housing market being bought by immigrants putting a false high on real estate in Canada and BC. They should be made to sell like Australia. , that our leadership needs a change , uninformed public issues , Security, LGBT+ rights, Indigenous issues , Voting Harper out. , disability status , cost of daily living and tuition , Honesty , Government censoring , Jobs opening that allowmore availability for persons with disabilities , Our countries economy , Criminal Justice , enbridge , more Benifits for Seniors , Not enough money for seniors pensions. , Public Transit , corrupt government , LGBTQ issues, integrating tax into the price of items rather than at the till , Getting rid of the current government before they totally ruin the country. , Canada Post home mail delivery , taxes and programs , old age related problems , keeping child tax benifit , economy versus environment , get rid of the senate , Middle class being made poor by tax cuts to the rich, seniors are suffering as well , cost of housing , Cost of living , change , Lookking out for seniors , HEALTHCARE , Health and Exercise , the people , elder care,poverty,disability supports and Mental health , Imposed Poverty , govt spending , the Apostate States of Europe and America have aborted millions of unborn and fostered many childless homosexual unions and now there is lots of room for a great influx of Moslems from the Middle East... and they're now coming.. , abolish the senate , morals , pentions , economic development , the lack of honesty in politics. , tp get harper out for a better canada , create more jobs , get rid of Stephen Harper , economics and jobs , To improve conditions for seniors , change in parliament , Do away with the intra-party politics between parties and get on withgoverning for the people who elect you , Sustainable clean energy , next , health care for seniors , REINSTATING THE SUBSIDY PROGRAM FOR PERSONS ON LOW INCOME AND SENIORS , affordability , Stable Economy , canadian dollar , health , human rights , Economy and canadian debt , Corruption in government , Get Stephen Harper OUT , Environmental issues and the lack of scientific support/advisory/freedom. , taxation , politicians wasting , political corruption , government taking less of my paychecks , pensions , harper needs to go he is ruining canada , integrity , job , legalize marijunia , climate change , Competent Prime Minister , crime and changes to our laws , higher minimum wage , Seniors health xcare , saftey , Health Care and the Economy , government transparency , more money for people on disabilty , SENIOR MEDICAL CARE AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING , The environmental damage due to gov't direction , preservation of healthy, clean environment on BC coast , low income , stable economy , The deficit , We need a change of government. The Conservative Party under Harper has been a disgrace. , no TPP , Bill c-51 , Canada returning to Canadians , the econmy , Nat security , getting rid of current government , Getting some new change in to the Canadian Economy , inflation/wage ratio , help for seniors , Environment and Global Warming , The country's economy , immigration, balanced budget, not increasing the debt , Difficulty accessing services due to cuts , Assistance for those in Poverty, especially those on disability and unable to work. , Getting Harper out of office. , Get rid of Stephen Harper , Removing Harper and his anti-science stance of governing. , Abolishment of government. , If the conservatives win , terrorism arctic sovereignty , JOB , Protection against threats/terrorism , trust , widening gap between wealthy and lower class , continuation of government and important policies , climate change/environmental issues/water quality/sustainability , Fair election, trusthworthy candidates , LOWERING TAXES , ffg , Climate and global warming/Immigration , Legalisation on marijuana , 1st past the post is trash,Bill C51, Bill-C24, and crazy white people who think Canada is a Nation State. , economical crisis in canada is increasing , seniors medical and dental plan , eliminating the Harper government , Enough monies for disabled people to live on , government openess , That Harper not get back in , job safety , Environmental impacts. , feminism , OUR MEDICAL SYSTEM , wage , Government accountability , health care and doctors , coolness , ecnomical , length of pre-election period , appropriate balance with immigration , Good paying jobs in British Columbia , That Harper is still running , support for single parent families , increase costs with little increase in income , wealth equality , Job Creation , HELP THE POOR AND HOMELESS , Transparency , Senior issues , The Environment , I care that we have laws that protect unborn chldren , healthcare for seniors , Terrorism , fiscall respnsiblility , fixing this countries economic issues and employment rates , Immigration for students who study in Canada should be made easy , the inequity treatment of all who live in BC , reforming the election process , balanced budget , Justice , Treatment of immigrants , im not happy with any of the candidates , Not electing potheads. , Having a doctor , tax benefits , health for seniors , Social Justice , econemy , GET rid of the present government - a dictator controled , inflation , Politicians putting the country first rather than their party , federal investment , get harper out , Healthcare inc. pharmacare , oil sands , Honesty in Government , Welfare and wages , Cost of Living , Puppets saying what they think you want to hear but will not do. , Foreign Policy , minimum wage increase , environmental, and Native rights , HEALTH CARE , That it ends , healthcare and national pharmacare , homeland security , poverty , NAtional Security/Privacy of Citizens , new things , low canadian dollar , LIVEABLE INCOME FOR SENIORS , new immigrant problems , people , people who are on the welfare disability program needs more money to live. The cost of living has increased too much for us to keep ahead on bills, rent, food, vehicular insurance and fuel. and I'm not talking a petty dollar increase either , getting rid of Harper and Conservatives , keeping the economy as sound as possible in trying global times , Splitting of votes - need to change how elections are done , The people having influence on the country's decision when it comes to science and global warming-related issues. , Protect us against crime and terrorism , Social security , Get the Conservatives out and get someone in who is concerned about the youth. , Cutting of public services , minority government , TPP , Access to good health care for all Canadians , fdgh , social services , Affordable housing , Decrease in tuition fees at post secondary institutions , working on Canada's deficit and lowering education costs on students , ETHICS , Gas companies being controlled and not allowed to charge however much they wish. , personal taxation levels , Gun owner's rights and making sure that no new laws are passed without full educational reform for all members of parlament has been done. The majority of MPs do not know the current laws or requirements to own a firearm in Canada. , secrets are being kept from voters , Electoral reform. , being able to afford to live - everything is so expensive now , middle class income taxes , childcare , Accountability, and not using oil , Increased democracy , Clean Energy , Transgender protection , gateway pipeline , Removal of the conservatives as the ruling party! , how each political party is prepared to lead Canadian into a better economy. , integrity and real honesty... , More care to be taken on admitting refugees into Canada , crime, health care, education, transportation and cost of living , To have a new Prime Minister and governing party , legalization of cannabis , size of the public sector , Having a new party lead , Who supports Israel among the parties irregardless of what other countries do? , What we are doing with tax dollars , tax usage , n , getting rid of King Harper , no idea , care for seniors , erosion of rights , economy and jobs , infrastructure , not bieng scammed all the time. everything is over prised , Stopping the conservatives from from devastating this country , Dethroning Harper , democracy - stephen harper is running a dictatorship and robbing us blind at the same time. , removing harper , cuts to social pragraming , they are all out to put us all in the poor house , Medicinal Marijuana Decriminalization , a leader and government who is more transparent and less arrogant , Picking the right candidate to help improve our country , economy, jobs, health care, social services, environment, missing indigenous canadians both men and women , Less tax and more benefits for middle class , GOOD PEOPLE , The erosion of Canada's democratic institutions by the Harper government , Don't follow politics , Seniors' issues , The fact that my vote in Manitoba means nothing compared to Ontario or BC. , keeping income splitting , that Stephen Harper may get re elected , treatment of veterans; Shoal Lake #40 water issues , Debt/ Affordable Education , get rid of Harper and his controlling way's , government spending on countries that provide no economic benefit to Canada , The environment: not just global warming, but the question of transitional to a less extractionist/destructive approach to commerce, social cohesion, environement... , pension/cost of living , taxes cost of living , environmental protection , balancing budget , mistrust of current government , Repealing Bill C-51 , helping those in the middle bracket , The Economy - my taxes , l'économie , pension income , high gas taxes , Tax cuts for low income and middle class , nothing , Freedom , Religious Freedom , Elderly people need better care in care homes, Lower taxes , Better health care.. , Confidence in and accountability of elected officials with respect to governing and representing their constituents. , the economy and health care , The commercial advertising for the candidates. All they are is a mud slinging session without saying what the candidates platform is. , The state of our economy and what we can do to improve it , Finance , reducing tax , liars , Law Enforcement , Poverty , Employment/unemployment , STEPHEN HARPER GONE , financial stability and economic growth , The economy. , accountabily , environmental issues , legalization of weed , Electing a new governing party , Get our economy moving , Getting Conservatives elected , State of the economy [loss of good paying jobs]. , An increase in taxes by the liberal or NDP , Ethics and accountability , As a pensioner it would be pension protection, TFSA's RIF payments, etc. , ENVIRONMENT , transparency in government , job creation , Taxes, stopping the seal hunt , none , Employment/wages , lack of income assistance for disabled lower incomes , nto sure , helping canada not other countries , Transgender rights , Everything , Get rid of haper , Harper has to go , TAXES , TAXES AND JOBS , trade , Equal Rights for women , Who will be the chair next and won't mess up as poorly as steven harper , Protection of the environment , reducing taxes for the blue collar workers and address homelessness , Nothing specific. , goverment looking after the real canadian that were born in this country , safty , Econerme , Money for low income families , Which liar is the least liar , improvement to healthcare , Not sure. There are several , I really do not think Justin is ready , personal income taxes , government not listening to the people , environment and low income families , Assistance for elderly, disabled. , finances , Aboriginal rights , Plans for Transit, Education Costs and real estate , leadership character , Tuition fees , Canada's economic future , Money management , Taxation , ok , Health , Infrastructure , Economy and the Middle Class , stable employment, lowering taxes, improving economy , health care at all levels - from finding a doctor to seniors care , Healthcare, shortage of doctors, nurses and technicians. , the amount of money the governement wasts , finding someone who is actually trustworthy , raising standard of living for seniors and those on welfare not the cheaters. , give too much to rich and business , Taking care of our seniors , Family/vet issues , On paye eu gaspille l'argent , honesty. I don't think the Conservatives and NDP are being honest. , bla , to get people on welfare off of it,and to train most of them to work and to have a limit on how long they can be on welfare , I think it would be an injustice to try and pick ONE. , Foreign Affairs , clear harper , aid to middle class , Tax breaks for middle class. , Economie et l'emploi , Budget cuts, there are too many. The economy and job creation. , La famille (garderie, salaire minimum, classe moyenne) , senior citizens payments , Looking after our sick and wounded soldiers with the respect they deserve from each of us. , the Liberals and NDP could topel the government if Conservatives dont get a majority vote , education and the poor and middle class , women's rights , pensions and health care for seniors , Global warming , Tax break for having children , lack of science funding , trying to have a better economy , Economy and the Syrian Refugee Crisis , Opition to vote , environnement , taxes immigrants , Environmental Protection , Low Taxes , The canadian economy. , senior health , emploi , people on CPP disability, low monthly pay , help for the middle class , Social Security , child care and beneits , Roads being fixed , job security , d , the economy and helping the poor , Money going to the right places , Post-secondary education , native rights , que le québec reste dans le canada , jobs and senior cheques , taxes must stop can't pay anymore , income splitting and jobs , deloger harper , loss of traditional family values , SECURITY FOR SENIORS , mico managing , Cutting down / eliminating nonwhite immigration , économie , tax breaks for lower income , Taking care of seniors without draining their bank accounts! , économie et l'emploi , high cost of living , Health & special Welfare for the eldery , better paying jobs for everyone not just trades , senior care , Senior care , standing up for moral issues , Student loans and university tuition , money in my pocket or less out , I think the economy ids the most important issue in the FEDERAL election this fall. , i wish it was a democratic system instead of one man show , rights of the poor , Taxes and job creations , Undoing the damage done to the Canadian science community, ex. muzzling of scientists on environmental research , Canada's Security, Budget , Job creation and retention in New Brunswick , The universial child care benefit staying as is , Student loans and student rights , to have them stop ling and have the politician stop being puppets and work for there over pay checks , Emploie, Aidez les Famille a faible Revenu, , Safety/secruity , travailleur , le taux de chomage, l'économie , medicare , Jobs/Economy , jobs for canadian citizens , Taking care of seniors , lowering taxes for the middle and lower class and raising for the high class , sante , The econemy, jobs ,fair taxation , Pension et militaire , creating jobs , Stephen Harper, , the poor , more democratic government, aboringinal issues, environment, employment, minimum wage, less dictatorship , I want to see the Clawback of Military pensions stopped. We as good citizens paind into rhe Mil Pension,CPP, and OAS therefore we should receive the benifits we are entitled to as good taxpayers. , the rise of minimum wage , POLITICAL CORRUPTION , Getting Harper out , Health care for seniors //// , Security of all types , Enviromental issues , Post Secondary Education costs , harper , senior income , homecare , Les immigrants musulmans , Getting Harper and his cabinet out of office! , Des jobs, le système de santé au quebec, l'immigration le budget et autres , middle class taxes , pensions and senor concerns , hard to say , Qver taxed and fees , Getting rid of Harper! , creating jobs, helping seniors, helping medical facilities , Health care and cutting staff and money to hospitals , Balance the budget and stop the corruption! , Corporate influence on legislature , our planet , good , Taxes going down and minimum wage going slightly up. , honesty of officials , JOBS , I think they are all a bunch of croukes just legale , Helping the middle class. , not changing child taxes or income splitting , my personal issue is no one can pay for what they have promised , Mental health services , that the candidates stop being silver tongued devils lieing to get votes , Islamicism , Combating ISIS , affordable education , TOUGH ON CRIME , Seniors Pensions , pension incomes, taxes, scandals , the poor not just about the middle class , Issues with veterians , the vetrans need more support and legalize weed , Treatment of Veterans , Future Environmental Sustainability , increased income for the poor , Education, tuition fees, income equality, employment , non-dictatorship , Senate accountability or can it all together , too much government spending on other countries, not enough concern about Canada and it's own people's needs , Trust , income tax issues , honesty of the government , THE ECONOMY AND OUR TIES TO THE US DOLLAR , immagration , Economic stability , change!! , Being a student and living away from home makes voting very difficult. , that justin trudeau does not get in and send our country into a drug haven increasing crime rates , Health Systems , getting the ecomomey in shape , Health care and the environment , Economy and jobs , IMPROVEMENT OF THE ECONOMY , To give the disabled and seniors a decent amount of money on their pensions. , the liberals , Lower taxes for lower income, higher taxes for higher income , Lower taxes , help for the low income person , economy, jobs , having a prime minister that is not so arrogent , Jobs, roads and health care , i dont know , Political Integrity , idk , financial stability , weed , experence ! , Health Care System and Lowering Taxes , senior citizens income and expenditures , Debt , Taxes and Security , getting harper out of government , Good Jobs-A person with a Masters Degree can't find a job in their field.Yet Student Loan harrass them to pay their loans.All they can find are low paying jobs where they can barely get by and go hungary , I Don't Really Know. , to get a new leader , retirees , more help for people that have financial difficulties, they need jobs , support for seniors , Focus on the top 3 issues and be honest about them , taxes and economy , bill c51 , headaches , get rid of Harper , Upping CPP payments, it's pretty hard to live on what is allowed at present, it's poverty!! , There isn't just one issue - they are all important: economy, jobs, health care, aboriginal rights, environment, etc.. How does one choose just one? , MIDDLE CLASS , families , personal tax reduction , Canada`s Global Reputation , more economic help for the middle class and the working poor , Mental health , need to make more jobs and less tax for canadians , ethics! , quality of party , education. kids , honesty transparency accountability , state of healthcare , Get country back on track , Changing our voting system , Pro-Life , Financial , increase of working poor population , The most important issue is the issue of edcation , the right person winning , having a candidate in our riding, there is no conservative running, seems like we don't count , Cost of tuition , wages , cost of living in this country , Bank of Canada Act , Drop old age to 65 again , Pension , Environmental issues , Jobs, and the cost of living going up and jobs not giving more money holy or salary , aboriginal , military , foreign politics , l immigration , Low income families , global safety , Schooling , lowering taxes , Electoral Reform , Creating Jobs , programs for seniors, and pensions , The change in power , Medical system access and affordability , economic , Government honesty, transparency and efficiency , econoy , less jobs and job security , hgf , tax cut , the truth , accountabilty about where our tax dollars go , Electing a democratic and transparent government. , Senate Spending , lower the taxes , Legalizing Marijuana , taxes making my hard earned money go further, utilities have become truly unaffordable , money , A bunn:s of Liars , tax deductions , keeping the Canadian Identity alive and well , Rising Canadian Debt, all types , Economy and Terrorism threats are both equally important to me. , Healthcare policies , legal weed , a minister that has a clear plan for the economy , Keeping the NDP and LIBERALS out of parliment , infrastructure invenstment , environmental and health , child tax credit , immigrants, , Student Education Costs/Loans , pension protection , the public service and how we as employees are being treated , Thee economy and health care , National Economy , i think that Justin has good ideas but we don"t have the resources to do them , Addressing Canada's sub par bandwidth , honesty and integrity , economy jobs , the economy deficit , job opportunity , seniors and healthcare , Jobs in the economy , economy ... money in my pocket ... , Jobs and Taxes , electing harper back to a majority government , less tax , IMMIGRATION , Get Harper out of office , Seeing change in the way the country is run and the way tax money is used. , , economy , Cost of living. , we really do not have any good representives to run our country , poor economy , enviorment , safety , the economy and jobs , Lack of education on party platforms , tHE TAX RATE , employment or lack thereof , getting rid of Stephen Harper , trustworthy canditates , the deficit , Reversing tough on crime. Eliminating/reducing mandatory minimum sentencing. , Honesty of all politicians, fraud and scandals.It just turns me off. Attitudes of party leaders must change , 13% Sales Tax , That Harper is voted out. , No Steven Harper , Transit improvements, deficit reduction, environmental issues, and better treatment for EI recipients. , medical , goverment waste , tax relief , tax relief for individuals who live alone (single) , Getting the Conservatives out of office, permanently. , Islamic Terrorism , More Jobs , Need more minimum wage jobs!!! , the way the education system is becoming a play area for children instead of a learning environment , help the homeless , election advertising propaganda , tyutuytyu , The rich seem to be getting richer and the poor seem to be getting poorer and it is causing strife and angst and disability for those who find themselves on the short end of this stick. , Cost of living to go down, wages go up , Saving the country from socialism , jobs for the young people and stopping immigration of people that there own leaders are not helping to improve their life style , Aforable Housing , decent living allowances for people on fixed incomes , rien , child care , More talk and no action after voted in , senior health care & senior programs , Student Loans , public education , Deeznuts , 33 , Justice System , Keeping Canada economically strong , low wages , Fixing Economy , How to handle homelessness and financial issues within low-income families and individuals , THC , Reduce taxes for middle and lower class Canadians , reduce taxes , REUGEES AND THE WEAR OF THE BURKA AND NIQUAB , competence , Budgets , First Nations issues , immigration/citizenship problems , fdsfds , The government needs to stop spending money outside of Canada and start looking after the people who have been born and raised and now living with a disibility or a senior, as there seem to be no help for them when you ask the government for help , tax are too high , mental health cutbacks , Rob Ford , public transit , seniors care , More terrorist acts in Canada. , transgender health , money back to the middle class , accountability/transparency , government , Putting in place a leader with a balanced view of what we need in this country , Middle class , stability in the economy , hydro and gas and our health care , Helping the middle class people get ahead. , control of federal (govt) workers; get wages and pensions under control; , tuition , taxes too high , taxes and the middle class working people , Abussive power current government has and disregard of democracy. Inaction to improve the economy. Failing healthcare system. , Greenhouse emissions , the cost of post secondary education , the disparity between the rich and the poor in this country , environment issues, aboriginal issues , Value of Canadian Dollar. Bankruptcy Protection (BIA, CCAA) , fair pay for disabled , Get rid of Harper and the Conservatives , mistreatment of first nation , Health Care, an issue that no one is talking about , Removing Harper , transit , I think the distribution of powers and the emphasis in protecting minority rights are towards some people that are not deserving of those rights. , Improving the economy , Smaller less intrusive government with lower taxes. , Senior assistance , Post Secondary tuition and debt , Le retour des décisions prises sur des faits scientifique avec des données probantes , niqab canadian citizen issue , Economy, health care funding to provinces, crime bills , the economy and lack of care for Canadian Born citizens , Research The Candidates Platforms , lokjuhygtf , corrupt politicians , Taxation and the economy , better pensions for seniors and better coverage for vets , NM , The rudeness of Canadian People. , get rid of the lying politicians, and senators , straightening out problems at home and not focusing so much on abroad , Respect for the canadian people , A real non-taxable Universal Childcare Plan and more funding mental health research , decriminalization of marijuana , The lack of respect for muslims. , economie , government spending , keeping Canada, Canadian stop accomodation , Medical wait times , The deficit. , Environmental Impact and how we deal with it , Immigration....the borders need to be closed to muslims and islamics , HIGH COST OF FOOD AND TAXES FOR SENIORS ON A FIXED INCOME , To get rid of the conservatives , equality of all Canadian ( first nation,aborigine,immigrant) , replace the conservatives , clarity of the economy and legistlative passing bills , accountability/transparency in government , right of recall , cpp and oas , tax loopholes for the wealthy , veterans/ homeless/ elderly. tcp. , some many to choose from . Better care for seniors and jobs for the young , Equally rights, since they have to be less strict with immigrants , nobody cares , Voting for Harper again , Change in the policy towards the small business and employees , creating jobs, there's more older people getting jobs that used to be for younger people (ex working at lowblaws was a teen job now theres more older over qualified people working there and all part time shifts) , I think the environment is very important , Taxes/Recession , The fact that refugees receive more financial assistance than Canadian seniors , job support and health care , to pay less taxes , I think my biggest issue is how the next person elected will think of student education prices. , fiscal accounyability , Getting rid of Mr. Harper. , help for low income people , listening to the people , The job market , university fees , retirement , economy/environment , co operative housing subsidies on the chopping block, this is a great concern regarding affordable housing . , Value of the Canadian Dollar as a result of our poorly performing economy. , Not sure , dtryu , Affordable housing. , democracy , getting our energy exports back online , Connection to the electorate , economic performance , no private buiness , Harper is giving tax breaks to corporations, that are sending jobs overseas, creating a lot of unemployment , To get conservatives out , creating jobs within ontario , Health Care for Seniors and all Canadians , Trust in any of the political promises! , keeping old age pension, income spliting , party , Student Debt , more help and assistance for students and the ealderly , I do not feel the Liberal's plan to spend is the right direction to take Canada , terrorism legislation , financial benefits for families , money for middle income , Getting Rid of Stephen Harper for good , to get rid off Harper , keeping the TFSA , think it’s time for a change in federal government , rob ford , Any Senior issue ~ GIS, Palliative , Keeping Justin Trudeau out of office , The need for a change of administration , To get the economy going again, to cut taxes and hydro for the bussiness people so they can stay in bussiness , social isues , immigraton , Harper's spinning everything even if it is not true , Economic Stability , Having a democracy that works according to the citizens wishes , it's all important , Integrity of representives. , Health Benefits and Job Opportunities , Voting , more jobs , Replace Conservative goernment with the NDP> , Lowering taxes, rent and prices in general. , BEING ABLE TO AFFORD THINGS , economy, benefits for public servants , the right person gets in , environment and student , more jobs,no sex education for kids , Military budgeting issues , DEMOCRACY , Looking after CANADIANS first , tax savings , Tax , Not selling out to China , no racism , co operation , The Treasury Board of The Public Service of Canada has a vendetta towards the workers of the public service to rip, tear up and destroy any moral, legally gained benefits and sick leave and now the workers have been left with no protection for their future. , tax breaks for families , faint hope clause - If you commit the crime you do the time/ Life means Life 25 years no porole , Social Services , helping the middle class and lower income and those on disablitlity live better , Poverty Reduction , to have a government that is acting on behalf of the people and not running a soap opera in the background , Catering to the the expense of the poor , family , economic diversification , LEGALIZING MARIJUANA , We need to close our borders-no more immigration, we are FULL! , social housing and to be prepare for terror attacks , voting , Stop raising the taxes gas prices and give the people a chance of making aliving? , democratic process , FFH , Gas prices , Democracy , economy issue and taxes , They are all fake , Economy and Employment , Help for new families , seniour care , health and jobs , CPP , over taxation across the board , job economy , The direction of the Canadian economy. , senior health care , healthy care , job growth and less taxes , creating more jobs for people without education/experience!!! I have been unemployed for over a year because nobody will hire me. , ewvery , econimy , Diversify economy, bring manufacturing back , Defeating the Tories , funding for public services , so many to choose from , Government Spending , abortion - i am pro-life , To me personally, I believe that corruption in politics and government in general is the biggest issue , not one of them think of the disabled when it comes to a raise in cost of livivg, not federal or provincial , low income families/cost of living/poor economy , security and taxes , Corruption of the Harper Conservatives , That I am not allowed to vote as a permanent resident, I am allowed to pay taxes though! Very annoying. , keeping Canada safe,keeping out terrorists, having someone safe in charge , cutback on taxes , more money for seniors , That the process is fair and transparent with no restrictions to anyone voting , The economy and how it is affecting seniors , Change , mt family support , holding the line on taxes , Health and Education , Environmental/carbon footprint , this election is costing wat too much money to the people of Canada , clean water for all... , social program cuts , Getting Harper out of power so the country can be put back together , leadership , Conservative , Ethics, accountability, honesty, transparency, and trust - none of which we have now. , no issues , sex ed education , gun laws, immigration restrictions, social programs for immigrants, help for disabled, more support for the military services, , TRUTH and the economy , Tuition fee , BALANCED BUDGET , national security , unemployment/living wage , Impot , Inmate treAtment , Tax reduction , That the Conservatives do not regain power. , disability pension , rdg dfgdfgdgdgdgf d gdgd , Health Care Economy Foreign Policy , Health Care/Global Warming , security first then economy , the fact that Harper has "stiffled" the people who are running for the PC's in each riding , aboriginal issues , we need a stronger leader , I will try to vote for a candidate who will reduce FEDERAL TAXes , keeping jobs in canada , Getting rid of Harper and his Cons. , The TPP , economy taxes medicare free dental and medical plans for people earning under $35000 stop giving tax money for long term for social assistance payments give them work and pay no feebies unless with good reason , Equal pay; the environment; missing and abused women , no jobs for university grads , Affordable childcare , SENIORS RIGHTS , Senior Citizens healthcare , Disability Pension Payments , enviornmental issues , Healthcare. , JOB SECUIRTY , More job opportunities , Healthcare costs , corrupt overpaid liars , get rid of harper , Proper funding for Education, Health and Provinces , la transparence , Electricity Prices/Cost of living/Jobs in Small Towns , pro-choice support , defeating the current government , economy/ jobs , Poverty and harm to our earth and climate , Spending fooshly , better financial and social housing support for seniors , tax rate too high , Secret police; stripping citizenship; rigged elections? Where can I begin?! , public transportation , the cost of living , to end the 1 man gouvernment , retarded , Seniors Health Care , Student rights, trans rights, marijuana , that Harper be removed from power , employment opportunities for my husband and myself , CUTTING TAXES FOR THE POOR , cost of living , keeping the Conservatives in , the refugees crisis , Legal System , Jobs and unemployment , The Budget and balancing it , 1%ers , sdf , Don't screw the tax payers over... like usual... don't lie to us , to stop getting raped by the government , less immigration so Canadians can get jobs , Creation of high quality full-time jobs , hgfjh , Proverty , racism , Restoring Parliament to a rational forum for debate rather than a shouting match , Sex ed for young children , THERE ARE SO MANY: JOB CREATION, LOWERING TAXES, HEALTHCARE, PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT , housing for low income people , employment issues , getting rid of Harper government , to heave steve , environemnt , high tuition costs , Marijuana , Focusing on taking care of the environment , Transparency and honesty , economy/jobs , Im not sure at this time, i honestly havent kept up with all of it. , Our Canadian dollar increasing/ economy as a whole becoming stronger instead of diminishing. , restructuring of the economy , jobs - the lack off in small towns, salary's ,health care, transit, seniors benefits , senior citizen issues , no , we get more rights in money , I care about the environment , To get Harper out. , health care and economy , honesty of our top people who run the country , ECONOMY AND IMMIGRATION , the secuity of my federal pension , personal deductibles , Honesty and accountability , support for cities , Immigrant issue , MAINTENANCE OF THE BUDGET SURPLUS AND PAYING DOWN THE NATIONAL DEBT. , yes , Integrity and commitment from our Government , University Tuition , Potential PM's being honest and true to what they are promising to be concerned about , funding for schools/hospitals , public servants , Our Economy , Truth, Honesty and Transparancy of government , to remove harper from power , Electing the best team to rule Canada , Lowering taxes for the middle-class. , T P P , JOBS, ECONOMY AND IMMIGRATION , Avoiding an NDP or Liberal government , race , starting to learn about sex ed at a very young age , government having no money for the people that live in Canada but they have enough to give to refugees , Both local and federal Taxes , Immigration. Syrian refugees. Wages. Jobs , Get rid of undemocratic Harper clique , The Harper's party policy inclines too much to the business sector than taking care of the labour market people. , Nothing , BALANCED BUDJET , National Security vis a vis immigration of muslims , economy and employment , health services , freedom from goverment intrusion , Keeping the economy on track and stopping ISIL , high voter turnout , Security and ISIS , taxes and employment and senior benefits , defeating the liberals and the ndp , Income Sharing , It's run like the Muffia , all they do is take, take, take , global warming , Health Care, Seniors and Taxes , The Canadian Economy , strong leadership for economy , way the funding goes , senors benefits , medical care , First-Past -the-Post , unempoyment of youth , Jobs and the economy , Controlling and reducing public sector wage and benefit plans. Abolishing the senate , PAY TO MANY TAXES , google , against same sex marriage , Financial equality , the economey and environment and health care are all equally important to me , Better care for Seniors , Budget cut affecting seniors , terroristme and the econnomy , government debt , full time employment/career opportunities in my field , Abortion and accessible health care , Student debt, loans, tuition , Construction still needs to be done in areas, but some take so long , marijuana laws , That Harper needs to go. , Political Discrimination , Good political party , auto industry , keepimg taxes down , To get rid of Stephen Harper and ALL the conservatives , Women's and PoC rights and respect , Unemployment Rates, Economy, First Nation Issues, Taxes , Getting rid of Stephen Harper, whatever that takes , women should be allowed to wear niqab or wear anything they wish , more job opportunities, better economy , Seniors benefits , honesty by the ruling party and less arguing , Student issues , keeping taxes down , more jobs and less tax for middle class , Healthcare Issues for Seniors , Increasing Jobs and job security , h , Stabilizing the economy , making promises that they never keep once elected , seniors pension. , being a senior citizen , pollution, the environment, if we do not look after that, the rest will not survive , health system and seniors , program that mostly care of all classes, races, belives, religes and all status levels from the bottoms & up to all Canadians equal , I don't think marijuana should be legalized, or alcohol sold in stores other than LCBO , Increased financial support for seniors , high debt of country , Transgender rights, especially regarding discrimination laws for the workplace and bathrooms/changerooms. , mental health , inequality , The budget , taxes and job opportunities , developing green technologies , Economy grouth , conservatives , getting the right leader for country , Jobs and the Economy , Honest candidate should be elected , i think whoever is in now needs to get out , Recognition of First Nation's people's rights , Get rid of the corruption and the senate , On jobs and student loans , Defecit , Minimum Wage , du travail pour tout le monde , GOVERNMENT AND BIG BUSINESS CORRUPTION--WAGE GAPS , resonable childcare fee , job opprtunities , Get rid of Harper and the conservative regiem , Fanailal future , economic situation , BALANCING THE BUDGET , Increasing funding to scientific research , Bill C-24 , increase of taxes , Stopping the NDP from forming the next government. , don't know , deficit to cuub , Heath Care , immigration reduction , getting rid of conservatives , daycare/child tax , Properly handling online rights and removing possibilities of things like C-51 or the TPP ever happening again , Transparency of what is truly happening in the government along with accountability , student debt , Ecconomey especially for the disabled. , Future planning , senior canada pension , Disenfranchisement of the voter, leading to a "National Socialism" state like Argentina under Juan Peron, with midnight visits from all the security agencies created by Stephen Harper and the rendering of innocent Canadians into a "Security Gulag". Then there's health care, education expenses, disparity of wealth ... , Reduing cost of living , Reducing or gettting rid of debt , Helping Immigrants , Scientific funding and independence , Seniors need to be looked after better than what this Goverment has done so far, most have worked all their lives and now a lot are making sandwiches with cat or dog can food cause its cheaper. , employment and jobs , Getting Mr. Harper out of office by strategic voting , I care about who gets elected and who doesn't, I don't want my country getting nuked. , All needs of the consumer are met , Homelessness , TAXES and the cost of living , my vote , There is too many people. Not enough resourses. food water jobs space. If we could begin colonizing and terraforming other plantes/moons...Where is OUR space program? , Financial issues; nobody is focusing on the picture - they'd rather have immediate results. , Electoral reform , Economics and global situations and positioning of Canada , getting rid of political crooks and liars , What is the most important issue to YOU PERSONALLY in this FEDERAL election? , Canadas Financial Future, we don't want a mess like Ontarios , Protection from world Terrorism , Animal welfare , Issues of students in Canada , job growth , Military needs to be updated and midclass taxed less , recession , the politician are making so many stupid promises , Funding for social service programs , Overtaxation! , daycare costs , lower tuition , taxes excessive , Repeal bill C-51 , job,economy , Pharmacare , transparency of govt in power , terroiziom , ciriculum , economic issues , having more access for the disabled, wheelchair accessability , Immigrants , removing mandatory minimums , Maintaining Canadian identity and rights of Old School Canadians , that I can keep as much of my money as possible. , Me , canadian economy , that everyone in running is not fit to be prime minister , TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC , I'm waiting for low taxes , Because i have to get OSAP , sometimes i think the fund is not sufficient enough , KEEPING AGRICULTURE QUOTA , getting older , economy, transparency, , tuition prices , Unemployment , the prospect of bringing too many illegal immigrants into our country. Could be ISIS members which would lead to terrorism. , Seniors Benefits , making sure the children and elderly are taken care of , veiled Muslims , jobs, economy , International affairs , no deficet , too many immigrants , Les coupures dans l'éducation , Harper's dishonesty , My opinion is that the government shouldn't neglect first nations, especially in their education.. they have recieved nothing beneficial for them, they deserve to be successful they deserve to be equal, they have founded this land we've always called home in Canada, Don't disrespect them. Be equal, think of how they are being treated here in Canada, being blamed for being alcoholic's.. Most First nations want to become something, Most first nation's are determined to be successful, We have the ability to change that.. So my opinon is that just because they claim land to "Protect" doesn't mean you should forfeit them.. treat them equal. , Money Management , Tax rate should be cut , Liberalisme , deficit , old age penson , low income families , Subsidized Child Care and refugees , O , OUR ECONOMY , la guerre , living expense , more jobs/immigration , door to door , Economy and Taxes , Taxes, economic growth, mortgage affordability , creating jobs in Canada in place of lost jobs that moved out south , financial help for low income and seniors , Corporate Coruption and Govermental Coverups , PRICY EDUCATION , I don't know , Income splitting , seniors/health care , raise taxes , Refugees. , c51, CBC and stopping un-necessary war. , jobs... lack of doctors working in the hospital , THE ECONOMY AND HIGH TAXES , get harper out ! , Economy / Jobs , More job / lower taxes , Wages , protecting the arctic , Living standards for the disabled , fiscal security , Reduction of taxes paid by the Middle Class , time for change because absolute power corrupts absolutely , We need more care in economy , Canada's role in the world , Open honest government ! No back room dealing. , jobs and pensions , Dealing with crime in a more proper manner in terms of sentencing and so on. , Democracy and Accountability , I worry that people are not thinking long term when voting, rather they are just frustrated and want to see results now. , jobs for youth , The issue is that they should try to help out people with mental illness. , How racist Stephen Harper is and how he should definitely not win , I think that the economy is the most important issue this election. , get rid of the senate and stop wastingmoney , As a disabled person, unable to work, I live far below the poverty line, not satisfied with this! , Attitudes towards immigrants , my rights as a citizen , right now its the refugees-we just can't open the doors and let all in you don't know who they are or where they are coming from. I have so many issues thats the first thing right now , Nursing Jobs , Tax relief , HI , Investing in School and Health care , reduce debt of the goverments, federal, provential , Accountability by elected and not elected representatives , when liberals said no way to justin trudeah too young , refugees , dishonest members running this country , good economy , Environmental Legislation , Missing indiginous women , jobs jobs jobs economy , Employment & Gun crime in Toronto , tuition fees , Election changes , Safety , my disability and pension funds , ? , je ne le trouve pas vraiment important, il y a beaucoup de choses que devraient etre changées. , too many to list , Right wing politics , making the rich pay higher taxes , economic stability or progress , Protecting the environment , Permanent resident voting rights , lowering taxes and helping out the middle and lower classes , Moral Issues , Education funding , distribution des richesses , Security & immigration , social housing , le salaire minimum , someone who helps the lower income families , we bend all the rules for refugees , Marijuana issues , I feel Canadian Need Vote Someone who going change our society for the better. , Privacy and Equality , lowering taxes for middle class , EMPLOYMENT , Getting a government that will properly manage the budget , conservative gov. , poverty and dealing with it , 13% Taxes , poverty and taxes , Lower TAXES, LESS TAKEN FROM INCOME , the health system , economics, and public/ homeland security. , The best leader of power with finanace to rule the country , grow our economy and help our middle class , legalize , military and security , balancing the budget , addressing the high cost of housing and taxes , The Immigrants Status , anything related to single parents with young children , Fair treatment for minority groups (First Nation, immigrants, refugees..etc.) , Healthcare! , Focusing on helping Students and their University hikes regarding tuition , all , Having security for all seniors while food, housing and all other services are increasing in price every year. Our pensions are not sufficient for our seniors to pay for a basic apartment, let alone eat or have cable TV, phone and internet services (and this is in a small town - not Toronto !!). , taxing the rich , bad , health benefits; benefits for single people , Taxes, benefits and education , Health Care - Reduce cuts/job layoffs , affordable, clean, rent possiblilities , better understanding what sevices available for senior citizens , Legalization of Marijuana , Refugee crisis , keeping canadian value , LEADER WHO CARES ABOUT HUMANITY , accountability of our elected officials , finnancial for the less fortunate would make things better , remove harper et. al. , Freedom of Religion , marijuana reform , economy - jobs , The middle classes pay more taxes , That Harper stays in power! , Removing the corrupt Conservatives from power , How some bills and laws are too extreme for citizens and classifying immigrants as 2nd hand citizens. , declining pension funds , transparency and honesty in government , VOTES , share markets , gun control. , Senior Healthcare , donno , improving the healthcare system by decreasing hospital stay and emergency wait , Economic stimulation , homelessness and poverty for seniors , Harper! , Social services, poverty and helping those in need , health and seniors , pririty to our health care sydtem and jobs to canadians , C51 , The honesty of the canidates. Promises, Promises --- Lie, Lie, Lie , HEALTH , student debt should be reduced, post secondary education should be made cheaper , Money , economy and health care , national debt reduction , they make the right decision for the economy , Erosion of our civil rights including privacy, freedom of expression , Immigration issues , waste of tax dollars on M.P. , Our economy is headed to a depression at the rate of loss we are suffering in all areas. , economy and security , The economic economy , Les impots , If it's mentioned...the cost of tuition because it's incredibly high and it keeps on getting higher. , Economic issues due to waste of taxpayer money , getting rid of Harper and bringing back integrity to govt , revoking bill c-51 & sprotecting our rights and frredoms on the net , Free medical care should not be allowed , The econymy, the corruption in Parl.the stealing, the lying,The bullshit,the waste of money,etc , affordable and subsidized housing for seniors and families who are living at or below the poverty level , Cost of education , Getting the rules changed so people in power are held accountable for the promises they make , Job Employment , Your MOM , Support for seniors and care givers , bills that have been passes that infringe on civil rights , erwsf , Abortion , Canada should stop to support Ukraina , Addressing crime rate , school debt , health care or changes to it , Transit , Animal Welfare , Economy. , policies which concern or benefit the lower to poor income class.. , inmigration , adopting proportional representation , Security of our country Canada and canadians. , finances and economy , more security in living, jobs, housing, mental health , Home grown terror , addressing the recession , to avoid the disaster that an NDP or Liberal win would cause , Help for seniors , seniors life upgrade , Taxes and electricity are so high I can barely stay in business. , medical issues for seniors , Better cpp and suplment for seniors , Transperency , Paying down the defficit , FAMILY BENEFITS AND SOCIAL PROGRAMS , Aid for the lesser end of society - homeless and hungry here in Canada - Affordable Housing and Health Care Improvements , complete federalism , The future of me as a Canadian (will I have a pension? will I have healthcare?) , want to get back to being peacekeepers , Jobs and mim wage , tax cuts, improved quality of life, , truth honest and commitment , Citizenship, jobs , high taxes wasteful spending , Personally, if I'm paying as much taxes as I am, I would like to see my money go to better causes. , Funding for scientists , baby boomers and lack of considerations for their well being , Equal rights , I do not have any issues , The economy over the next five years , Canadian Economy , Taxation without represntation , govt accountability , Racism and dividing Canadians , Senate , Budget Surplus , hj , Honesty, trust, and transparency in government , Imigration , mental health issues , canada post , Retirement plans for low income individuals. , creating jobs and improving economy , that everyone is honest , mid level job creation , Bringing government away from the right wing militarization of Canada , harper has to go , Indigenous women being murdered and missing , cpp increases , Fighting Isis , Climate change , electicity supply the rights of canadians and military and old age , electoral reform , economics , benefits for people who have retired , milatary spending. we need to raise it higher. , dump harper , post secondary education and health care , deficet/low incone earners/taxes/health care/pollution emissons , Treatment of our senior citizens , have not thought of any , Economy & Jobs , president , jobs! , PATTERN OF RECRUITMENT IN JOBS , mental awareness , No is helping the poor , education & economy , housing market cost inflation of everday goods , The working poor , old age security , dept/taxes , We a majority government who can run Canada properly , aligning with israel , Education Funds , Government Transparency , First past the post doesn't work , dontknow , lowering tax on middle & lower class , honesty & integrity in governance , TERRORISM THREAT , economy ( job prospects) , family issues such as child benefits and credits , wages versus the cost of living , Honesty of the politicians , ECONOMY AND JOBS , Niqab ban, Religious freedom, C24, C51 , Keeping the economic growth steady , jobs for young people, after graduation , the enconamy , Economic Growth , that Harper is no longer in power , Canada's military involvement in foreign conflict. , health care and education , How the government uses citizens taxes. , ODSP Benifits raising our monthly cheques, not taking away from them , social mobility , Human rights/equality , Improving the medical system , Getting rid of Stephen Harper and his band of idiot puppets , too many to name just one , heath care and misspent money with the Tories , The distribution of taxes between the classes. , money for families , fucking 13% tax and tobacco sooo expensive and also ban on flavoured tobacco fuckkkkk , Conservative - to government again! , Native rights , organized crime corruption , Managing finances , good steastygov' , medical weed , honesty in Government , support for the seniors , federal government's economy preference to oirl/gas industry , pc , YU , I think the most important thing is the economy and jobs , Stephen Harper is the biggest issue in this country , change of government , climate change and Universal health care , emplois , HEALTH CARE FOR SENIORS , economic development and direction , The candidates should be nicer to each other. , Economy, employment , jobs in canada where canadians born here get jobs first , Jobs and the economy. , No more Harper , senior housing , bill51 , cutting tax , homecare for seniors , need a change in leadership , help for the seniors , leadership comptetence , arreter le flot de d immigrant qui ne veule pas suivre les loi Canadienne , ecconomy , Helping Seniors they need more health benefits, ie eyecare (glasses) dental better coverage for medication. low income housing , Get a party that can run this country as a healthy and profitable one for everyone , not to use illegal migrants as an issue , quality full time jobs , elder care , Job availability , legalizing marijuana , rising cost of living , Removing Harper from government , getting rid of the dictatorship of Stephen Harper , Trade treaty , Économie , safe economy , Remove Bill C-51 , Should one face be covered when getting your drivering test, voteing citizenship. , COST OF LIVING , they lie , our reputation as a great economy , Pension splitting for seniors , the debt without costing me more than I think I owe , job creations , the economy and taking care of the middle class , economy and environmement , the cost of energy , Too many rules and government keeps dipping in your pocket for more money. , sovereignty and individual freedoms , middle class income , I doubt there will be a single party having full majority and coalition Govt. may not be successful , the state of the economy , Anything for seniors , Better service at government agencies. , abortion , Reducing student debt will creating more entry level jobs , to get rid of that micro-managing, mean-spirited Steven Harper , Low Tax , That people have a say , credibility of leaders , Student Debt and the Environment , Honesty in government , health care, jobs , accountability and transparency , dump the senate , high prices , equality , that the right person is elected , Low income families who work hard get the help they deserve. , immigrants enforcing their religon and be excused from Canada Laws and regulations , Having an honest government who does what they say they are going to do , Senate Reform an ongoing branch of government that does nothing , Getting Stephen Harper out! , jobs for the lower incomers , oeconomic situation , food poverty , Les oléoduque et l'environnement ainsi que la politique internationale , foreign policy , INFLATION , the most important issue to me is employment. , right leader , lower income people need more money , wages going up and jobs being created , Employment and Health , i don't know , I live in poverty because I am schizohrenic , Canadian's safety , Who becomes prime minister , The ecomony , Defeating the present Government , Developing a real economy and society for our future generations , retirees and their pension , Refreshing our bad economy , finances, aide aux ainés, trop d'importance au financement pour la guerre,les échanges commerciaux ou on doit respecter en premier nos acquis et protéger nos agriculteurs , l'intégrité et l'honneteté des parties , Mesures économiques pour la classe moyenne , fdhdrhdr rg es seg esg se , Education de mes enfant , débarrasser de Harper , IMMIGRANTION , Famille , Sécurité canadienne du au terrorisme , l'environnement , la paix , l'indépendance du Québec , Abolir le sénat , la manière dont notre argent sera utilisé par le gouvernement , les personnes agés , depenses gouvernementales inutiles , Je sais qui ne respecteras pas leur promesse , la santé , Le candidat qui est élu est l'enjeu le plus importants pour le pays , l environnement , Emploi selon moi. Si les gens travail plus de revenus pour tous! , Améliorer les services de santé et services sociaux , Éducation , Travail , Le probléme de E.I. , le niqab , l'emploi, l'économie , mon argent en avoir plus dans mes poches , ECONOMIE , éduaction et sécurité , health issues for black canadians , éConomie , Soutien Social , La santé , LA SANTÉ , je sais pas , la retraite , L'environnement , retirer le pouvoir aux conservateurs , Emprisonnement à vie , éducation , indbecépendanse du quebec , baisse d'impot et les changements aux postes , dètes , L'état de l'é onomie , Taux de taxation , éducation et santé , L'économie , sécurité des gens , revenu et emploi , L'éducation , l avenir , virer les conservateurs , le port de l iqab , équilibre budgétaire , Deficit , l.économie , Les impôts et les soins apportés aux aînés , pollution , protection de la gestion de l'offre , la corruption chez le PLC, NPD et le PCC , Baisser les impôys , La condition des femmes , a un changement de parti , Baisse d'impôts , Redonner au Canada son image pacifiste et solidaire. , Environnement , Garder la distribution du courrier à la maison , le budget canadian , L'imputabilité , La manière dont l'argent est gérer , le salaire minimum devrait être haussé à 15$ , l,economie , SANTÉ , La démocratie , Le transport de l'essence à travers le Canada. , Se débarasser des conservateurs,mais les remplacer par qui?? , La santé et l'éducation , l'economie , politique international , la dette du Canada , access to healthcare , la pauvreter , imigrant _ , les musulman. qui vont prendre le pouvoir et le contrôle de notre pays , La séparation , Economie et emplois , Economie , aide aux ainées , la stabilite economique , LE PORT DU NIQAB ET AUTRES CONNERIES DE CE GENRE , Medicare , LA SANTÉ , ÉDUCATION, TRAVAIL , impot , L'ameliotation de lo'economie , famille , Énergie durable , homeless , environnement, filet social , la sécurité , Religion,taxes,travail , l`emplois , Se débarrasser de Harper , Renvoyer les conservateurs dans leurs foyers et bon débarras ! , Guerre. Économie , removal of Harper , pauvrete , la pauvreté , élection d'un parti pour le développement économique du pays: , Respect des droits et libertés , pas didée pour le moment , aidez les peuve , Plus d'honêteté de la part de nos dirigeants. , L'honnêteté de nos politiciens , L'Économie , l'emploi et l'économie , La separation , les familles , Integrity , Moins de fardeau fiscal , communaute ethnique , Voting. Seats should be proportionnal to % of vote , les impôts de la classe moyenne, les services aux familles et aux aînées, l'éducation et le système de santé. , l'immigration , La corruption , l'état islamique , baisse des impôts , Régime de retraite, pension de vieillesse. , SUIVANT , garder congé maladie employés fédérales , les voiles des musulmanes , La création d'emploi de qualité et la diversification de l'économie , Shifting to green energy and preventing oil line ruptures to destroy our ecosystem and fresh waterways. , immigration and arabs , système de santé , immifgration , Recherche scientifique , Un gouvernement qui s'engage pour les citoyens et citoyennes et non pour une idéologie. , Getting our economy back on track , Rétablissement de la réputation internationale du Canada en matère d'écologie et d'aide internationalei , les taxes et impots , economie mais on en parle pas , le transport du pétrol vers l'est du canada et la défence du pays , L'immigration , Lowering Taxes , constitution , finances canadiennes , L'economie , La sécurité , fonds de pension , le respect de notre patrimoine , Consolidation du rang du CANADA sur l'échiquier mondial sur tous les plans de la vie humaine , senoirs service , verité -honnèteté , nickab , étude pour les jeunes , AMÉLIORER L'ÉCONOMIE , Soins de santé , Environnement. , scientific research , Arrêter de couper partout et arrêter d'appauvrir les québécois et québécoises. , aide aux ainés - chômage - santé , notre culture , énergie , a fresh face rep , is very good , L'environnement et l'évolution personnel de soi , amélioration des soins pour les aînés , Santé, Pension de retraite, arrêt des réfugié. , pension a 65 ans , Les ainés , Economi , personal freedom and rights , l'autérité , finance , La corruption / honnêteté , J'aurais aimé l'économie, où va notre argent et l'emploi ,les promesses. C'est de la foutaise , l'emploi , aider la classe moyenne , CRÉATION D'EMPLOIS , je veux du changement , taxes et impôts , déficite , L'emploie et l'aide aux familles pauvres , Santé , q , baisse d impots , Neutralité de la population , The economy ,the environment,and housing for the homeless. , Constance , Finances publiques et équilibre budgetaire , Intégration , Léconomie , l économie , Économie durable , l'éducation , L'EMPLOI , lavenir du dollar canadien , Budget, impôts et dépenses publiques , Finances , Le système de l'éducation , l'éducation et la santé , ÉCONOMIE , endettement , environnement et science , l'économie du canada , la création d'emplois , Le domaine Médical et Le domaine des Études , La politique étrangère du Canada pour les 4 ans à venir , filet social , l Économie , too many senators on payroll not doing their jobs // , avoir un bon gouvernement qui apporte aux citoyens une paix intérieur pour leurs vie durant et ce n'ai pas cela qui arrive. , Économique , le coté santé , Decolonization , Payage sur le pont Champlain , se débarasser de harper , Low taxes , Culture , l`avenir de nos enfants et notre santé , Les changements climatiques , enfants , éconmie , L'education et la sante , La sécurité, le controle de l'immigration, adaptation obligatoire des immigrants à notre style de vie... , Le système de santé et les taxes , pension de vieillesse et la santé , les familles a faible revenu , stabilité de l'économie du Canada , Still using an old system when proportional representation system exist , protection de la classe moyenne , nous somme devenue un pays laique je suis contre qu'on nous impose des signe religieux , avoir plus d'acces a des medecins de famille , L'écoute de toute la population, des minorités , parler de souveraineté avec le bloc , lenvironement , meilleure répartition de la richesse , les maudits immigrants , Ecomie , SANTE , amélioration de l'économie pour ma province , Cridibilité des candidats et pour moi il a deux parties qu'ils veulent repatrier le dossier des armes a feu et je trouve que ca couté assez cher qu'on a pas besoin de ca , aide aux personnes agees , je ne sais rien de tout sa je ne suis pas sa et je ne vote pas et ca depuit mes 18 ans , Stop welfare on 2nd child, stop walfare + free education + free dental immigrants, they laugh at our system , Sécurité , justice sociale , Budget Balancé , économique, créer de l'emploi , je ne sais pas , l'intégratioon des étrangers , Bataille de la femme voilée , Sortir Harper , enploi , groupe ethnique , La guerre , Les coupures dans le système d'éducation , l'education , Voir à notre culture, emploi, sécurité , Reprise économique , lage de la retraite , environement , Legalisation of marijuana , Les frais de scolarité , SOINS MÉDICAUX , tout ce qui a trait au systeme de sante et aux ecoles , classe moyenne , Le départ de M.Harper , les soins de santé , lutter contre la corruption au sein des gouvernements , Les impôts et taxes , guerre , baisse des taxes , moins de taxe et plus d'emploi , éconime-emplois , aider les démunis et la classe moyenne , Que les militaires ne puissent pas aller faire leurs mission pour sauver notre pays , de changer de gouvernement , Aide aux plus démunis , chomage , le Niqap , tres importante , L'emploi , Acquérir des valeurs qui nous permettraient de se défendre plus librement en considérant privilégiée l'opinion de la personne qui vit des conspirations. Selon moi le rejet de son droit de parole en fait une accusée. Je pense qu'il y a là une forte injustice. , le visage à découvert , réputation du canada a l'étranger , LECONOMIE , Control and participate in the elimination of the murderers in Syria. , habitant , le budjet des personnes a faible revenu , Le respect des ententes déjà conclues!!!!! , qouio , Taxes/Impôts , l,environnement et la pauvreté , les impôts et l'environnement , Égalité , sante et education , l economie , ne pas couper dans le service médical, et aide à nos veillards , les services aux publics , health system , économie et emploi , l`économie , Changement pour le peuple , l'image que le gouvernement donne du pays au monde , change ...and a new perspective on how Canada should be run , sécurité internationalle , JE NE VOTE PAS. , Enjeux économiques pour la classe moyenne , Économie, Santé, Éducation , L'education et la sante. , Environment, pollution, global warming , Protection de l'environement , Aboriginal Rights , Radocalism (burka, right of muslems, terrorism, muslems) , qualité de vie soit environementale , bien-être des familles , emplyement , les emplois , stopper l'immigration de M. Harper , Salaire minimum , LE TERRORISME , réforme des institutions , La santé et l'économie du pays , la famille ressources et argent , transition aux nouvelles énergies vertes , lindependance , taking Canada out of the recession , le discours de quelqu'un qui ne sait pas gérer , sécurité pour le pays et économie , l'hypocrésie , soin de sante , Significant increase in the monthly money for the elderly people. , Les crédits d'impôts pour les jeunes famille , La question des immigrants , Medical care , les enjeux environnementales , health care job security , C'est d'apporter une vision pour l'avancement et la progression du pays. , mieux aider la classe moyenne , la distribution équitable de la richesse. , Se débaraser d'Harper , Soutient aux familles ayant de jeunes enfants (soutien monétaire, aide aux frais de garderie) , la periquation , straightness , je ne cest pas , La sécuritée , la cause autochtone et la santé , Environnement: contrôle des émissions de GES , donner du travail au gents au lieu de coupe , Les personnes âgées dans les centres d'acceuil qui n'ont pas les repas nécessaires et dont les coûts sont comptés au compte-gouttes. Tandis que dans les prisons, les prisonniers ont ce qu'il y a de meilleur. Dans nos centres pour personnes âgées, pas de bain ou douche plus d'une fois la semaine, quand les préposés (es) ont le temps, pas assez de loisirs. On ne compte seulement sur le bénévolat. On nous dit toujours qu'ils n'ont pas de budget. On est fatigués de toujours entendre ces paroles. , Les changements climatiques et les sables bitumineux. , terroriste , important , L'économie et les services offerts. , la crise économique qui nous menace, ainsi que le budget personnel des citoyens , situation économique , L'impôt , The sate of the economy , économie canadienne , La redistribution des richesses pour la classe moyenne , choisir un bon parti , sécurité du pays , le partage des $$$ entre province , aucune en particulier , scolaire , aider et apporter du travail et que hydro nourriture cout de la vie arrete de monter et aider les plus demunis au lieu de donner au plus riche , Les taxes , envirronnement , L'économie. , Institute a vote to people through internet and phone for new laws (Such as Suiss do for years) , Sortir Stephen Harper , Transparency, honesty and economic , la pauvretré , leducation , écologie , relever l'économie , régler le problème des immigrants qui nous impose leurs règles et voir aux ainés , Se débarasser d'Harper ! , l,économie , SECURITE , moins d'impot pour la classe moyenne , Economic growth , aucun , DAPRES MOI NOUS SOMMES TROP IMPOSER LE GOUVERNEMENT DEVRAIS BAISSER LES IMPOTS ET AUGMENTER LA TAX A LA CONSOMATION , la santé et l'éducation , L'environement , la justice ,paix et l'amour entre tous , eNVIRONNEMENT , Classe moyenne , Augmentation du salaire de base , lafluidité dans le gouvernement , Plus D'argent dans mes poches , Les droits et libertés de chacun et la sécurité des Canadiens. , la Santé , La construction d'un oléoduc dangeureux de pétrole traversant le Canada , maintenir le service "porte à porte" par les facteurs de postes canada , nous votons pour savoir par quelle gouvernement allons nous,nous faire fourrer , la dette intérieure , répartition des richesses , combattre la pauvreté , Changement de dynamique , Économie et programmes sociaux , nil , aucune idée , Que HARPER ne soit pas réelue , que l'on baisse les salaire des ministre et augmente celui des travailleurs , Sustainable engagements will become real , Change of Government , montant d'imposition , Electoral reform (getting rid of first past the post) , la sante , mieux pour les familles moyenne , Do not want our kids to go to war! Scared because Harper is sooooo "Bush like". , les intérêts du Québec , respect de nos lois et coutumes, amélioration des finances du pays et des citoyens , le deficit , FINDING A PRIME MINISTER THAY CARES FOR THE ÊOPLE OF CANADA AND NOT GIVING OUR MONEY AWAY , The way we abandon our people, our flore and fauna, our rivers and clear water. , la sécurité nationale , covered women with vail , L'ÉDUCATION , notre sécurité , imposition , salaire minimum , que les québécois soit considéré a part égale , cutbacks to social service , L education , chômage, l'éducation et les régions éloignées , La Santé , écologie mondiale et économie locale , sais pas , les pauvres , Résoudre la morosité économique , delogé la dictature harper , L'education (ecole) , LMéconomie , l'écocnomie , création d'emploi , le mode de scrutin , too many foreigners in the race... , Health care & emplyment , corruption au sein du gouvernement , La Souveraineté , l emploi , Bannissement des primes de départ pour tous. , reducing the flow of immigrants into the country , registration , la dette du canada au moin la maintenir ou elle est , soins de santé , jaime tout , Emplois , Pas de voile pour aller voter , Eliminer M.Harper qui ne correspond pas aux valeurs du Québec. , La condition des ainés , coupures significatives dans le domaine de la santé et son impact négatif , la sante mais ils ont riens de concluant , Québec's representation in Canada , niquab , baisser les impôts , répartire la richesse , le inégalités sociales , Transparency and honesty within the government , logement et pauvreté , Bien-être des aînés , la classe moyenne , baisse impot classe moyenne , Emploi , pauvreté , rétablir le pouvoir d'achat de la classe moyenne , BAISSE DES IMPOTS , Garder notre pays intact de toute autres nationalitée. , Contrition vis-à-vis de l'apostasie générale face à L'Église catholique romaine vraie de la part du Canada , Welfare in Quebec , du changement , avoir plus de ouverture dans bcp de domaine , Un gouvernement plus transparent. , le montant des impots , l;emploi , avoir un gouvernement transparent , Le développement des régions , ecomomie , compétences fédérales provinciales , idk lol , Transparence du gouvernement , Classe moyen , la place de la classe moyenne et familliale , hydro quebec , ne pas ce faire fourrer encore , Le coût de la vie , le social , sante et l'économie , linegaliter social entre les plus pauvre et les plus riche aide au enfant demuni , Économie et les droits de la personne. , pensions, schools and the environment , Environmental Issues and Climate Change , La coruption au sein du gouvernement , stop immigration of islam peoples , Dette , Les hopitaux, les personnes âgées et l'éducation , budget familiale , travail , The low Canadian dollar and currency debasement , Leducation de nos jeunes , Emplois et impôts , Le systeme d'election et de banque , la situation du quebec dans le canada , sincerité , retraite , securiter , le respect des promesses , L'immigration, port du nija , L'économie et l'emploi , Domaine de l'éducation , cout de la vie , pouvoir des banques , le terroriste , économie, , l enseignement de nos enfants , les mesures pour contrer les inégalités sociales (lutte à la pauvreté; revenu de citoyenneté ) , allocations familliales et changement de gouvernement.... , Frais de garde , diminuer la pauvreté , Qu'un gouvernement responsable soie élue. , Que le gouvernement aide les familles de la classe moyenne , Enviroonement / Santé , EMPLOI , devenir un pays , keeping the middle class, jobs, canada as a whole. , L.Économie , Job , le systeme de santé , économie personnes âgés , La récesion , social et économique , reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , baisse impot , avoir un gouvernement qui prend soin de sa population , les impôts , creation d'emploie avec des salaire selon experiance , Arreter de rentrer des immigrand et de tous leur donner les droit ac quis et de soccuper des quebecois et canadien qui sont dans besoin ses pas normal daider les autres pays quand dans n autres ils y a des gens qui ne mange pas a leur fin couper l argent du monde sans leur donner plus de jobs descente pour nourrire leur famille ses pas cool quand on ses que les immigrant on argent toit et en plus detruit tous se qui est catholique tanner que le gouvernement plis a toute leur demande il est temps que sa s arrete il vive ici alors qu il respecte nos loi nos croianse mais on est minoritaire au quebec car le gouvernement canadien se fou des quebecois on parle francais dont on na aucune importance pour le canada , finances santé , la santé et l'aide au femme seule avec enfant , EDUCATION , La crise des migrants , budjet équilibrer , le manque de ressources dans les écoles , La justice et l'egalite sociale , l'environnment , Le droit des travailleurs , L'aide au famille , ainés , Changer Pour autre que Harper , That for once a politician will keep a promise he/she makes , immigration et politique internationale , transfert aux provinces , Appui financier aux personnes à faible revenu , plein emploi , santer , impot réduite pour famille à revenu modeste , Santé et personnes agees , démocratie , les fonds de pension des ministres , Le départ de Stepheb Harper - Les conservateurs ont régné depuis trop longtemps. , santé éducation économie , la famille , ??????????? , Création d'emploie ! , La place du Canada dans le monde , L'ÉCONOMIE , classwe moyenne , Je ne sais pas trop , avoir un bon gouvernement . Qui pense à la classe moyenne , la democratie , La création d emploi. , ALLÉGER FINANCIEREMENT LA CLASSE MOYENNE , Multiculturalisme, libéralisme, décadence, oligarchie, socialisme, terrorisme, lois restrictives sur la liberté d'opinion , LA FACON DE GOUVERNER , La nouvelle loi de poste Canada , Sante , reduction , Amélioration des conditions sociales (familles) et des bases salariales , aider les familles de classe moyenne , Perdre nos valeurs. Je NE desire pas plus d'immigrants. , baiser la dette du canada , bloquer l immigration , les immigrants , Le travail pour tous , CELA EST QUE DE LA BULLSHIT , fierté d etre canadiens. , Question de la dette du Canada , Situation économique , Whether Quebec turns more unnecessarily french because of it. , dette , Trouver quelqu'un qui prendra soin de mon pays sans nous faire passer pour des cons en jetant de l'argent par les fenetres , les coupures pour les familles , baisse impot et taxe , Recognising that sacrificing the environment for immediate economic gains is short-sighted. Politicians need to look further ahead than just the next election. , Changer de gouvernement , diminuer la dette , impôts, économie , L'écologie , something useful to be done with taxes , Tout est important , Eliminer Harper qui laisse le Canada se ruiner et polluer la terre , La securité , relations internationales , sécurité nationale , immigration voile , l'avenir de la classe moyenne , La survie de la culture , La separation du quebec , l'avenir du Québec , la conservation de nos emploi , securite nationale , older peoples needs , sante, environnement, education,personnes ages , changement , les finances , L emploi , la repartition du budget , la baisse d'impot , gap between poor and middle class , Le port du voile cachant le visage , les frais de garderie , tout, économie, sécurité et démocratie , les aines , Éducation et la Santé , La création et le maintien d'emploi , Economle , les retraites , Religion,économi , retrouver un parti qui nous représente le mieux , santé et éducation , sécurité , Québec is important , égalité homme femme, amélioration de l'économie, de meilleure pallier fiscaux pour la classe moyenne , The behaviour of Senator's has really annoyed, me if these fat cats are sitting their they have to be held accountable or lets make the Senate an elected body, where I will ask my senator to show their constituents online and transparent. , l'accès à la santé (hopitaux) , LES STAGES RÉMÉNÉRÉS EN ÉDUCATION , aucune , Économie sécurité national , le changement , éducation et ssoins de santé , Énergie Est, environnement , Funding for the arts , gluir , la place trop importante qu'occupe la religion en politique , voir à ce que ceux qui travaillent au salaire minimum ne soit pas trop près du seuil de pauvreté... , réduction d'impôt , economie et la santee , endettement étudiant , la langue francaise , faire sortir Harper , les finances et l'emploi , création d'emplois , coupure santé et services correctionnels , améliorer le sort des faibles revenus ...les millonnaires peuvent contribuer davantage au partage des richesses , le travail , Enjeux sociaux (pauvreté, éducation, santé, etc.) , l'économie, les soins de santé , service , trouver un equilibre en l'economie , les besoins de tout le monde , education et santé , situation economique/l'emploi/l'assurance emploi , Des politiciens honnêtes , coupures dans les soins de santé , La classe moyenne , L'appauvrissement de la classe moyenne. , free education for all , Les droits individuels et collectifs. , santé les gens âgés , écologie, , economy for retired person , Les islamistes et le terrorisme , Transport en commun et environnement , Je ne connais absoluement rien à la politique , proteger notre marcher et finire la jobe avec l'isis , AUGMENTER LES VOTES POUR LE BLOC QUEBEQUOI , un mauvais chef , Taxes et impôts des familles moyennes , vision à long terme de la situation des canadiens , promouvoir plus de travail , Enlever les conservateurs du pouvoir , Le respect des compétences fédérales et provinciales , Financement dans les écoles et la même chose pour le personnel hospitalier. , que le candidat travaille pour le peuple et non pour son ego , Respect des droits et libertés individuelles , le maintient des impots ou la diminution , Se débarasser des Conservateurs , The population's health, income and more. Basically, fulfilling the people's needs. Equality is a big issue. Nonetheless, corruption. It happens all the time. , la situation financière du pays , Argent les riche son plus riche et les pauvre plus pauvre , l'education post-secondaire , augmenter la classe moyenne , Sort de la classe moyenne , Les IMPÔTS , Famille, éducation et santé , prive les personnes agés,mais ne se prives pas,pour donner des primes de depart(mais) nous si on laisse notre travaille pour quelque raison que se soit,on a meme pas droit a l'assurance chomage , un plan social , bien gérer , pour aider les ceux qui sont pas en moyen de vivre , taxing / economy , garder notre liberté de choix , RESPECT DE NOS VALEURS ET TRADITIONS , Immigrants will allowed , le respect de l'identité québécoise (niquab, réduction de l'immigration. préférence nationale...) , healthy , la santee , La mise en place de politiques montrant à quel point le Canada qui a déjà été une terre d'asile peut en redevenir une. , changer le gouv actuel , Le contrôle de l'État Islamique. , the erosion of Canadian democracy in the last decade , la place du québec au sein du canada , argent , les pensions de vieillesse , Plus d'emploi et pas de taxe , DÉLOGER sTEPHAN hARPER , Constitutionalité , l'emploie , environnement et immigration , Économie, attention aux pauvres-démunis, respect des libertés , déloger harper du pouvoir , Le résultat en boout de ligne pour la classe moyenne , Santée , le voile,emploie,encourager les pauvres ,personne agéeleur pension plus que les immigrant , la classe moyenne dont je fais partie et je me sens pauvre , niveau de taxation à diminuer , economie et migrant , Non au pipeline énergie est , Aide aux familles à revenu moyen , baisse d impot , Le classe moyenne , mettre l'argent dans le monde hospitalier puis pour les familles a faibles revenues , Éliminer le "despotisme" du parti conservateur. , La pauvreté infantile , Sécurité financière des personnes âgées , débarquer harper , Ne pas couper dans les programmes sociaux - on paie depuis des années, on s'inquiète de savoir si on aura tous les soins et argent nécessaire , leconomie , lenvironnement , l'economie canadienne , Economy regrowth , l'imigration , la dette du pays , TERRORISME , se débarrasser de harper le dictateur , Quelqu'un qui se présentera et réalisera réellement ce qu'il promet aux citoyens , Nos gouvernement qui ont peur d'éliminer l'islam radical et ça presse, il sont très dangereux et no gouvernement ne mette pas leur culotte il attende qu'il soit trop tard. , reduction of income tax , fix the root , De se faire respecter en tant que pays d'accueil , l'aide aux moins nantis , Les familles , gestion financièe de l`état , Avoir plus d'argent dans les poches , la planète , un canada plus ouvert plus vert plus progressiste , La sécurité aux frontières , Stephen Harper , aucun commentaire , Les coupures pour les personnes âgées ou retraitées , Honnêteté , Système de santé , La redistribution de la richesse. , Environnement et question nationale québécoise , la santer , nous somme un pays tres riche et paye moin aide la sante , Le bien-être de toute la population , La santé, l'éducation, l'aide aux aidants naturelles, l'économie, l'environnemant , les immigrants qui nous envahissent , donner au pauvre , les personnes agées , y en aurais plein plein plein de choses a énumerer , C' est d'avoir un bon premier ministre qui se préoccupe en premier lieu des gens , do not follow elections, I live a very simple life. Wake up, go to work, go home, go to bed. , changer de gouvernement , Le retrait des burqad que ce soit privé et non devant tout le monde, que les réfugiés respecte nos lois & Valeur Canadienne. , économie et l’impôt des classe moyenne , Budget cut , immigrations , se débarrasser de Stephen Harper , environment as a whole , L'élection d'un bon gouvernement , les migrants , un budget correspondant a nos besoins , liberté religieuse approuvé , La pauvreté , démocratie, égalité pour tous incluant les nouveaux arrivants , economie, imposition , revision des pension pour personnes agee et port de la burka aux quebec , overcoming recession and find a way to prevent muslims wearing niquab or whatsover , complexity of the income tax system , préserver la paix , Distribution équitable des richesses; égalité salaires hommes/femmes. , les immigrants qui ne doivent pas entrer au canada, c'est déjà surpeuplé , empêcher la réélection de Stephen Harper , L'économie canadienne et l'éducation , Hôpitaux , avoir des gens de confiance au pouvoir , Aide aux familles avec enfants , Mitenir nos valeurs sans compromis , Remplacer Stephen Harper , enjeu économique , La sécurité d'emploi , le port du niquab , améliorer la pension des pêrsonne agés , We must get rid of Harper! , economique , Aucune , accomodemments , finances du pays , L'égalité entre les personnes. , Hopitaux , les finances des foyers moyens et faibles revenus , l independence du quebec , Aide aux forestières , Protèger la langue française , La reconnaissance du Québec partout en ce pays au même titre qu'ailleurs. , Je souhaite que Harper cesse d'harceler les employés de la fonction publique. , économie et baisse d'impôts/taxes , Les Impôts , securite , changer ce gouvernement , Le systeme dela sante , Avoir un droit de parole , changement climatique , plus dargent au pauvre , Reduire la pauvrete' des gens incluant les premieres nations et la nomination du senat , Crisser le facho à Harper dehors et ce à jamais , La taxation , Changement de Gouvernement , high cost of services and austerity by the conservative goverment for their own interests, the lowering of salaries of teachers, high costs of education, political parties accepting energy east pipline project only to gain the votes and popularity, , l'écologie canadienne , changement de partie , la pauvrete , Se débarrasser des Conservateurs , Le droit des femmes. , Jobs and economy , la récession , aucune car cE'st trop long comme campagne , La famille , impôt élevés pour la classe moyenne , economic state of the country and jobs , il ont de belle parole mais je doute qui vont le faire , La famille de classe moyenne , la transparence du gouvernement , Economy and security , les réfugiés , mesures sociales , augmenter la pension de vieillesse , economie te stabilite , la santé et l'emploi , L'équilibre bugtaire et couper les bonus et reduire les impots pour les demuni et les salaire moyens , Change the governement , Diversification de l'économie Canadienne , L'environnement et les politiques qui s'appliquent , LEs religions étrangères , les finance et la santé , NEUTRE , Protection des aînés , Aider les gens de la classe moyenne et les démunis , avoir un très bon gouvernement pour aider < la récession. , le service de santé , Encore et toujours la souveraineté du Québec! , None of the candidates are understanding enought of the youth , Le port du Niquab , taxes, the destruction of the middle class, health care (not being addressed) , l econimie , rien a faire merci , les enjeux pour la classe moyenne , les mensonges , g , économie,politique étraNGÈRE, constitutuon,écologie , La santé et la justice , baisse impot et favorisé l'économie , ne sais pas , l'economie et pas de fantome niqadien , la dette , Famille, education , la concurrence , Écologie , la pauvreté qui est apparente de plus en plus , Leconomie , les emplois et la sante , le chomage et l'économie , pas mieux qu'hier pas plus interressesant demain c'est de la bouilli pour les chat ils n'ont pas de colones vertebral pas plus qu'il y as 4 ans , The need of the people ( education, health, environment , Inégalités sociales , arreter les coupures , Aucun , La sante et l'education , The Canadian economy , RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES NOTRE RÉPUTATION , leconomie du pays , Nijab , largent , Avoir un gouvernement à l'écoute de ses citoyens , Le non respect des promesse faite , les gestes et parles posées suivit de la justice , le respect des coutumes Québécoise , La sécurité de notre pays , santee , les personnes pauvreté!!! , elimination de la corruption , La situation financière au canada. , la fiscalité , les questions sociales , Une amélioration de l'efficacité du système de santé , Les accomodements général , Impôts totaux et environnement , économie et environnement , Tout ce qui touche les enfants et la scolarité. , Issues on minorities , L'immigration trop importante , Proportional representation , milieu de la santé , éthique et transparence de la gouvernance , the government's lack of humanity: e.g., no medical care for refugees , oligarchie , Le respect des cultures , Les personnes âgés Ajouts de Médecins et Infirmières Et la scolarité. , health sector, unemployment , Le redressement de la situation économique. , L'avenir , amélioration des soins de santé , Le port du Niqab , l'immigration ''controle de'' , Économie, travail , moins d'impot à payer , ENVIRONNEMENT , Faire tomber les conservateurs , Les imigrants , mettre les Conservateur à la porte. , Créer plus d'emplois permanents , Que les chose avances , la hausse des allocations aux familles , AMÉLIORER LES PROBLÈMES SOCIAUX DU CITOYEN , les ainées et la santé , interessent , QUÉBEC UN PAYS , arrêter de dépenser sur des choses dont nous avons pas les moyens de nous permettre, exemple aéroport Mirabelle , un changement de gouvernement , écologie et économie , Changer le premier ministre actuel qui ne fait rien actuellement pour le Canada. , Change to a 2 turn system, make all votes count the same by assigning a number of candidate to a % of the vote. , les immigrants arables , L economie , le travail, moin de parlage , économie du pays , Le Niqab , la defense de MON Pays contre les importes et leurs doctrines qu'on nous inflige... Le Canada est MON pays, qu'ils s'y integrent ou bien qu'ils retournent chez eux. , L'éducation et la santé , healthcare and economy , aider les demuni , déficit , Defeating the Conservatives , enjoy , coupure budgetaire au province , l'independance du québec , Les coupures budgétaires en santé , Mettre Stephen Harper et les conservateurs à la porte , vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv , L'Économie créé des emplois , L'augmentation des coupures en CPE , jaimerai le refus du port du niqab et le refus dacceuillir les recent refugiers. , Un pays fort et leader mondial, économie , les finances publiques , finance publique , sortie de la recession , veterans , L'économie au québec , improving the economy , port du niqab , le salaire miminum , la santé, l'éducation , il devrais penser au personne age ses juste pour les enfnts nous les avon fais vivre dans notre jeunesse , La sécurité concernant l'EI et la santé et éducation. , tous se qui englobe l'éducation , Women's right , les personnes , helping canadian families , que chacun paye sa juste part des frais de gouvernance , taxe pour classe moyenne , Le système démocratique , L'égalisation du cannabis , L'emploi et le reserrement de l'immigration , que les lois soient bonnes pour les gens qui gagnent pas beaucoup . une loi souple aussi pour les immigrants. , Le pétrole , la condition féminine , Representation by population. , Economy and health care , voter figure voilée environnement , L'ARGENT , the growing gap between the rich and the poor , l'austérité , LES FAMILLES AVEC ENFANTS , Gouvernement qui a vraiment la qualité de vie de son peuple en ligne de compte , Austérité , honneteté et finance , accroissement de la richesse par l'enjeu économique , l'economie de la classe moyenne , la sécurité contre l'islam radical , Réduire les impots des particuliers , Le système de scrutin majoritaire , justice pour tous , La responsabilisation , la liberté , Les institution canadiennes et les services aux canadiens , élection du bloc québécois , équité entre les citoyens , debt, scolarity reform, healthcare , l'Economie et la securite , Transparence de nos institutions politique et ses commettants. Amélioration de la démocratie elle même , La vérité de la part du premier ministre Harper , le bien être des citoyens , taux d imposition pour la classe moyenne , Environnement/ressources naturelles , Systeme medical , Growing economic disparity , Se débarasser de Harper. , la santé financière du pays , taxe , Les services aux gens âgés , payer moins d'impot , Santé et économie , rien ne m'interesse dans la politique , Santé, éducation, personnes âgées. , More jobs , Health system , Keep a balanced budget , Que les Conservateurs s'en aillent , constance , LA RECONNAISSANCE DU QUÉBEC , que le Canada reprenne sa position mondiale quant à sa valeur comme pays , freedom of practicing religion , le budget , Quel niveau de taille de l'État voulons-nous? , Traitement des personnes âgées , une perte de temps et une perte argent , L,ECONOMIE , Taux d'endettement , économie, santé et justice , protection contre le terrorisme et arrêt de laisser entrer les immigrants au Canada , élimination du déficit , le voile , Les impôts et l'aide à la classe moyenne , tout , SECURITÉ , the democracy and liberty , Économie et finances , Création d'emploi syndiqué gros salaire 30-35$ et plus ( genre opérateur Alcan, etc..) , Construction , Les idées , fiscalité , le port du voile , Réforme mode scrutin , immigration et les droits accordés trop facilement , Employabilité des minorités , les ostie d'émigrants non désirer ici au cananda , Politique étrangère , ien , LE BON PREMIER MINISTRE, LE PARTI ET LE BON REPRESENTANT DE MON COMPTÉ , healthcare improvement , -------------- , sante et education et pensions pour personnes malades , lES IMPOTS , econo , l entrer d imigrant , qu ils s occupe des canadien qui sont dans le besoin , le système de santé pour les transexuelles et ceux qui ont des troubles de santé mentaux. , Équité , Pas de niqab lors des célébrations d'assermentation et ailleurs , réforme démocratique , l'économie, les emplois , Plan nord , Le plein emploi, une économie qui prime pour un développement durable, et non le camouflage derrière des sujets et argument qui incite au racisme et à la séparation des Canadiens et du CANADA grande et prospère , Liberté , Réduction d'impôt , Éducation et santé , on est les personnes qui paient plus d'impot que n'importe quel pays au monde qui est le Quebec , je suis inquiète pour nous les ainées donc je vais faire attention à qui je vais donner mon vote , Économie, austérité , Un gouvernement fiable , Même rêgle de vote pour tous , equite salariale , sortir harper de la politique , Immigration à cause des conflits au moyen-orient , l image du canada a l'internationale , gerer l'argent de maniere raisonable , le niquabe , Programme sociaux , sante, education, islamisme , Que l'actuel gouvernement ne soit pas réélu , democracy means change so it is time to change , Aider les gens de la classe moyenne , Harper .... Out , The high cost of living, especially housing. , Environmental protection issues , C'est l'economie , Making sure no damn Liberal or NDP government is formed. , rights of the unborn , middle class , healthcare and benifits and incentives for low income families , Highway Safety , Health care affordability , economy and cost of living , lack of concern regarding income of old age pensioners , Health Care Funding , economy/taxes , Health Care and better Care for Seniors , income for families , infrastructure and Senate reform , Support for families with children (daycare, tax benefits, schools) , a non-NDP government!! , getting the canadian dollar value up , That the P C are going to do criminal checks all imigranets unlike the other two the NDP should not be aloud to run in elections , employment, health, being able to work until retirement age because of injury , immigration-bring back prayers in school and start telling immigrates that if they want to come into our country--they abide by our laws, not us having to change for them, if their rights and beliefs are so wonderful and important to them then why did they leave their country and come here, our seniors- the ones that made this country what it is today are being neglected and have services because there isnt enough money , stop harper , government transparentcy , seniors welfare , leagalize pot , having the senate abolished and fixing the tax laws , Old Age Pension , The vast majority of people live in the eastern provinces of Ontario and Quebec.The vote is usually swayed by these people. , Right government , picking the right leader , The issue in my mind is two incompitent leaders. Red and Orange. , not important dont care there all the same , Prefer not to answer , welfare and housing , policies for youth , Fair taxation , to better spend our tax dollars the the feds use! , a change in government , Infrastructure, taxes , Student Issues , I'd like us to move forward as a country. , health problems , Job Creation/Security , Student concerns, such as tuition. Parties generally ignore students, and so students don't feel inclined to vote. , education expenses , Fair and equal taxing for all income levels , Whether or not they support Bill C-51 , wdssd , no increase on taxes , To learn about each canidate and what they will accomplish for Canada , la santé, la retraite , AD , la baisse des impot