Response Options:PISA students only sampled , PISA students sampled plus grade sampled students with method 1 , PISA students sampled plus grade sampled students with method 2 , PISA students sampled plus grade sampled students with class sampling (method 3) , PISA students only sampled plus teachers , PISA students sampled plus grade sampled students with method 1 , PISA students sampled plus all non-PISA grade students , PISA students sampled plus all non-PISA grade students, plus teachers , Students sampled for national option only , Students sampled for national option only plus teachers , PISA students sampled plus grade sampled students with method 2, plus teachers , PISA students only sampled with some identified as a population of interest (and all of these are sampled) , PISA students only sampled with some IDed as a population of interest (and all of these are sampled), plus teachers , PISA students sampled plus grade sampled students with class sampling (method 3), plus teachers , PISA students sampled plus TCS2 of non-PISA students , PISA students sampled plus TCS2 of non-PISA students, plus teachers , PISA students only sampled with variable sample size within schools , PISA students only sampled with variable sample size within schools, plus teachers , 62 , 52