Illiterate , Elementary and primary (includes elementary school so goes from first grade to eighth grade) , Incomplete secondary , Secondary , Some post-secondary , BA (completion of college degree) , Some post-BA , MA or higher
Above all I am [country nationality] , Above all I am a Muslim , Above all I am an Arab , Above all I am a Christian , Above all I am [Kurd/Berber/Palestinian/Pharonic/Greek Armenian] , Other
Family/tribe , Locality (city or village you currently reside in) , Region (Governorate you currently live in) , [country], in the general sense , Continent , Middle East , Arab world , Islamic world , The world , Other
Family/tribe , Locality (city or village you currently reside in) , Region (Governorate you currently live in) , [country], in the general sense , Continent , Middle East , Arab world , Islamic world , The world , Other