He completed Year 12 , He completed Year 10 or 11 and then did a TAFE Training Certificate III (e.g. in Hairdressing or Accounts Administrat , He completed Year 10 , He completed some secondary, but not more than Year 9 , He completed primary school only , He did not complete primary school , Valid Skip , Not Reached , Not Applicable , Invalid , No Response
She completed Year 12 , She completed Year 10 or 11 and then did a TAFE Training Certificate III (e.g. in Hairdressing or Accounts Administra , She completed Year 10 , She completed some secondary school, but not more than Year 9 , She completed primary school only , She did not complete primary school , Valid Skip , Not Reached , Not Applicable , Invalid , No Response
Year 10 or below, in a general academic program. , Year 10 or below, in a general academic program with some VET (vocational) subjects. , Year 11 or 12, in a general academic program. , Year 11 or 12, in a general academic program with some VET (vocational) subjects. , Year 11 or 12, in a VET (vocational) course. , Valid Skip , Not Reached , Not Applicable , Invalid , No Response