National governments , Large companies , International bodies like the United Nations and the World B , Individual citizens like you and me , Non-governmental organizations including religious groups , All of the above , None of the above , Other (do not specify) , DK/NA , 88
Reducing the number of people living on less than a dollar a , Ensuring the enrolment of all children in primary school , Reducing the number of people without access to safe drinkin , All of the above , None of the above , Other (Specify) , DK/NA
Increase economic growth in poor countries. , Have governments of poor countries set and enforce regulatio , Increase technical and financial assistance to help governme , Increase international supervision and laws to achieve the s , All of the above , Other (Do not specify) , DK/NA , 88
Increase economic growth in poor countries. , Have governments of poor countries set and enforce regulatio , Increase technical and financial assistance to help governme , Increase international supervision and laws to achieve the s , All of the above , Other (Do not specify) , DK/NA , 6 , 7