Response Options:Interested in the weather , Want to know what to expect for the future weather/planning , planning my day/to know the weather for the day/to be prepar , the weather forcast/to know/check the weather , to know/check the weather in other parts of Canada , to know/check the temperature , to know the humidity , for school cancellations , for work/travel to work/road conditions/driving , for travel/flying , for outdoor/sporting events , for gardening/farming , for activities (other/general) , mentions of starting/warming up the car , mentions of the weather/news being on/coming up (online) , weather forcast is accurate/accurate information , to know air quality , health reasons/quality of life/allergies/pollen/asthma , handy/convenient , all other mentions , NOTHING , REFUSED , DON'T KNOW , OTHER (SPECIFY)