features.Questions.QuestionInRow.Response:This was just a design project and is in the process of being completed. Some of the questions should be reworded to better indicate the actual intent...Such as "How many unique fiscal years of GLRI funding did this project receive including feasibility, design, implementation, and monitoring?" The grant funds can be allocated in a specific fiscal year but the distribution of funds may be over multi fiscal years. So the money is technically set aside in one way and spent another.This is the construction project of ID 19 design project...it is not completed at this time. to be completed in 2023This proejct has not been completed at this time. The construction is expected to be completed in 2022this was a design project only ,as listed. The project description provided is incorrect.The project has not been implemented yet. The grant ends on 9/30/2021 and the culvert replacement is scheduled for this summer. Many of the questions in this survey assume project completion and therefore are not applicable at this point.This was our first GLRI project and it helped us build capacity and start us on a GLRI implementation path. First round of GLRI funding was more limited, which made it more challenging for project design.tribal citizens very pleased with increasing their land base within Reservation boundaries, especially for subsistence hunting fishing and gathering opportunityWe can provide final report and monitoring dataset, if we have the time. Though I find this to be a valuable research project, I had difficult answering the questions for this multifaceted project, since in some instances it was yes/no scenario depending on which project deliverable was being discussed.We did a newsletter article about this project in our Department's quarterly newsletter.Monitoring and research was conducted by a variety of agencies and universities and has not been archived with a single agency at this time.A lot of these questions are not directly related to the project as it was a planning effort and not a project implementation effort.This was an acquisition project aimed at protecting source water and living infrastructure so no reports exist.Project is ongoing so results are not final and there is no final report.While the answer is currently 'no' to these last two questions, we will be developing a final report with monitoring data and results included that will be submitted in January 2021 and would be happy to share. Please contact eroot@bnwaterkeeper.org if you are interested in seeing the report.This project is still in the design phase, therefore many of the survey questions were answered as N/A or 'neither agree or disagree' accordingly.There is a manuscript based on this projectPublication Caldwell, Woolnough, and Zanatta came from this project and two MS theses (available from CMU online)This grant include 3 project, GI for a park improvement, brownfield test project and a road project GI raingarden to meet MPCA CSW requirements.The Mn Dept of Health does water sampling at this beach, the project did not interact with the testing/monitoring of water quality, independent agencies.This project was specifically for obtaining baseline survey data and moving the area toward permanent open space protection.The report we can share would be the pre and post flows.Yes, we are happy to share our outcomes, but this project is not yet complete so final data has yet to be completed.E. coli data can be found on EGLE's website for beach monitoringInfo would have to come from Clinton River Watershed GroupI may be able to get the stormwater information that was conducted by OSU if you'd like or at least put you in contact with the appropriate personnel.Monitoring was conducted by OSU for stormwater management in conjunction with the Lion's Park project.No monitoring data set available aside from modeled water quality benefits.There is currently no final report or data to share as project is still in design phase.project consists of a restoration of an eroding river banks with RipRap protectionThank you for the opportunity for input. This project was primarily an early detection effort with some rapid response to hydrilla. We did not reach the limit of the rapid response potential because we did not find many new populations. Finally, ODNR and USFWS continue this project on a yearly basis via GLRI funds.The question about results should provide an option of limited ecological benefit.I don't think I was the right person to do this survey. I have been involved in the project and I answered to best of my ability based on things I have learned over the course of this project. I have leaned heavily on Stantec Consulting contact Rob Mylloyja who I have worked with the entire time and he was instrumental in the Belle River Water Shed project. He could clear up anything that I may have answered incorrectly.The projects primary goal was the removal on invasive species on sight and to restore native plant communities. A long range bird study and area use study are trying to be performed, however with limited funding and only 2 years of data, they are and will be incomplete for many years yet.Some post-project data (Brook Trout population) is still pending due to routine monitoring schedulesThe project is underway and has not been completed, therefore I could not answer questions about its efficacy.We are willing to share the reports once they are complete, approx. February 2021The project summary is not yet complete. Once it is, we'd be willing to share.review the web sit efor the Cuyahoga River remedial action plans and the surveys of specises which were helped by the project.Project monitoring and documents are not available because project has not yet been completed. Monitoring, reports, etc will take place following project completion.Some of these GLRI project pre date my tenure as program manager preclude me from knowing the level of outreach or in some cases when they began.N/AThis project funded conservation practices on private land, and the planning process to put them in placeThis project funded individual conservation practices on private lands, and the planning to implement themProject funded invasive species control practices on private lands and the planning to implementThis project secured floodplain easements and created or restored wetlands on those easementsProject funded multiple individual grant projects through the Great Lakes Commission, each project may answer differentlyThis project funded individual grant projects through the Great Lakes CommissionProject funded conservation practices on private lands and the associated conservation planningThis survey was answered with the overall project in mind (328 and 329).The project dredged the sediment and placed it in the proper place. Overall, a successful project that allowed the dredging of a part of the harbor and provided a disposal location that also acted as clean cover for a superfund clean up site.Successfully constructed a project that helped preserve the shoreline of the CBG.Project is still ongoing after an extension was granted but should be wrapped up within the year. Final data/reports are not yet available.This grant is active through 2021. The data and final report are not complete but we are willing to share interim reports and final datasets when the project is finished.This project is not yet complete therefore there is no final report to share. Also, only pre-restoration monitoring has been completed thus far. Post-restoration monitoring will only address NOAA's Tier 1 hydrological reconnection criteria.The project is ongoing. Willing to share the final repot upon completion.Fish monitoring was conducted by the NYSDEC, and could possibly get access to that data. I have before and after fish passage assessment of the crossing.this project is scheduled to be completed in summer 2021. A final report will be available in the fall of 2021This project is still ongoing, so no final report yet and our monitoring is not complete. Early indications are the work funded will have excellent impacts on the natural communities of the project area.We are currently in the process of monitoring the site and writing a long-term management plan for our total holdings, which includes the property purchased with the GLRI grant. Survey answers are based on where we are in the process.Project was designed to reduce bacteria inputs at local beaches... data collected was weekly beach monitoring (before/after project)... data is available on state's online databaseThe monitoring dataset is relatively available through MISIN.msu.eduA contractor has been selected and project implementation will commence after May 1, 2021.The project is still active so there are no final reports to share.This project is still in the implementation phase. Post restoration monitoring has not yet been performed. We will have monitoring data available to the public once the project has been completed.Post-implementation monitoring has not yet been conducted; therefore, final conclusions about success cannot yet be determinedPost-implementation monitoring has not yet been conducted; therefore, conclusions of success cannot yet be determinedThis overarching project provides grants to many individual research projects, so it is difficult to report on outcomes in general, and most projects did not involve any direct restoration actions but rather gathered information or increased understanding to inform native fish species rehabilitation efforts.No comments about the survey itself. This project was undertaken before all current staff were at Groundwork. The information provided is through anecdotal information and information gleaned from the limited documentation that we have on the project.Project is in progress, so there is not a final report or monitoring data set yet.On-the-ground work is complete, final reporting has not yet been completed.Project is in progress; construction and post-monitoring planned for 2021.Project is still ongoing. Approximately 66% complete.Project did not occur - seller did not accept priceProject was not completedReports provided a basis for AIS rapid response planning for Annex 6 of the GLWQA and the GIS data on Great Lakes WWT plants could be used to inform studies on human health. The GIS map can be found at the following link: https://ijc.maps.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?useExisting=1&layers=e4a5b201232944c2a671eb96621274ddCentral Michigan University conducted Mussel monitoring which will conclude in 2022This project was a land acquisition project. Post-purchase reports were not developed. Land has been enrolled in the Wisconsin County Forest Program and will be managed accordingly.We performed habitat monitoring and restoration projects at three different stream sites. The results varied somewhat from site to site.Staff members who led this initiative are no longer employed at KNC. This survey was completed by current staff, based upon file records from the work.Our reports are specific to the funding agency. Education and Outreach related to projects can be found on the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community -- Natural Resources Department websiteOur reports are specific to funding agency. Please refer to our Keweenaw Bay Indian Community -- Natural Resources Department website for Education and Outreach materials related to our projectsOur reports are very specific to the funding agency. We would be happy to share project details, including outcomes upon request.Final reports are specific to funding agency. Happy to share project details and outcomes upon request.Final reports are very specific to the funding agency. We would be happy to share other details or outputs from our projects upon request.Willing to share project details and outcomes upon request.This project has not been started. It is scheduled for Summer 2021. Any ecological/biological measurements were completed by a related stream rehabilitation project, with this project being the replacement of a perched culvert that is impeding fish passage.Primary goal of project was permanent conservation of quality habitat - achieved with ongoing stewardship to monitor and potentially engage in habitat enhancementsHappy to share final report and will be willing to share published data now and unpublished data upon publication.Much of the data collected in this project has been published, but I would also make available raw data if I can be involved in a discussion of its use. The economic analysis is rudimentary, but happy to provide.I am very willing to share the final report. Some data from the project has been published and some is in prep, so data sharing will be contingent on status of the publication.We have monitoring data for the watershed, but nothing specific to this project. Monitoring occurred, before, during and after, but at various locations not necessarily associated with locations where conservation practices were implemented. Some data is published (on our website), some has not been published yet.Monitoring data is for the whole watershed, not specific to this project. Monitoring occurred before, during and after at various locations, but none directly associated with locations where conservation practices were installed. Some data is published on our website, other data has not been published yet.The project will not be completed until September 2021. We will then have a final report that we will be willing to share.This project is ongoing. Final completion is expected by December 2021.This project is not yet completed.final report of decision analysis and multiple peer reviewed publications availableSome results of this work are in draft form and should be available in publication soonwebsite: mtri.org - it is in transition so I don't see this project moved yet. I will check into it.Final report is available here: https://www.mtu.edu/mtri/research/project-areas/environmental/water/les-cheneaux-islands-watermilfoil/This was a pilot project to test out a new design of a subsurface gravel wetland that would be compact and could be included at the "end of pipe" for stormwater leading directly into river areas. Unfortunately, the design had a flaw and the site conditions were found to not be well suited to this type of design. We were unable to determine exact flow through time of the wetland and therefore were unable to capture the first flush and intermittent sampling intervals during a storm. I would not call this pilot experiment a success, but I would consider it a learning lesson in design and placement of these types of structures.Post-project monitoring data are limited at this point, but the monitoring program is underway. If you are interested in partial data sets, let me know.This project is still in progress, so I was unable to answer questions about monitoring results accurately. Let me know if you need me to change anything or have any questions!This project is in the design phase and is planned for construction in 2022. Limited information or results to share at this point.The project is wrapping up this spring, and a project report will be available soon after. Preliminary monitoring data are available, but more monitoring is planned..Connect with City of Duluth for parks use data. This restoration project, in conjunction with city-led park revitalization has led to it being a popular destination.A lot of the survey questions didn't really apply to our project. Our project was to develop an invasive species collaborative, so it didn't really happen at a particular site and wasn't designed to result direct outcomes that would be measurable through environmental monitoring or monitoring of human well-being...Thanks for interest in our project. I found the survey to be easy to complete. I am happy to provide additional reporting documents as requested.The superfund site that includes upstream and the entire AOC has a huge role toward BUI removals and future delisting. In September 2020, the AOC was designated Management Actions Complete because contaminants below Burt Dam (the entire reach of the AOC) did not have enough contaminants to require future remedial work from the AOC program (Superfund actions should be able to remove all BUIs). Nearly all data collected to benefit the AOC is posted on eighteenmilerap.comThere is no final report because the project is not complete. The Canal Diversion Dam was removed and Cuyahoga River habitat restored, but there are other project milestones yet to be completed. Due to COVID-19 delays, the project end date has been extended to October 31, 2021 by USEPA. All monitoring data is Ohio EPA's water quality survey data, which it completes to meet the Clean Water Act.Project has not yet been constructed, so answering questions on the extent and results of monitoring was not possible.The final report is no complete.This funding was for design of four coastal wetland habitat restoration projects. On-the-ground restoration was funded through a seperate EPA grant. Design drawings and specifications, and other project documents are available upon request.projects have not been completed yet.The post-project data collection is still ongoing.A simple planning project.I have a document of project summaries. Any project specific data would have to be found. But not sure worth the effort here. dugdiscuss available documents.Only final project reports...multiple projects for demonstrating stormwater BMPs. Not a lot of monitoringCan discuss available documentsCan discuss available documents as needed.Can discuss available documents.Sharing takes time to search, dig. Limited personnel resources to get current work done....The project will not completed until June 2021. A final report will be generated at that time and made available to the public.The project will be completed at the end of this year. Additional post-construction monitoring will be performed to better assess restoration success, but initial results are very promising.The project's primary goals weren't focused on human benefits but it was always a known "bonus" by incorporating features & planning focused on continued use of the site as a Scout camp.The project is ongoing and not complete due to the complexity and cost of the overall project. This funding was only a small portion that is needed to complete the project.This grant was supposed to end in 2020, however, due to COVID-19, a no cost extension was secured to continue work into 2021. I have a first year report that could be shared as well as first year data, but not overall/final.This grant was supposed to end in 2020, however, due to COVID-19, a no cost extension was secured to continue work into 2021. Once the project is complete a report and information can be shared.noneThe project needs a few more years of vegetative growth before monitoring can conclusively determine goals have been achieved. The trail system has not been completed yet, but is planned for this spring.The geodatabase will soon be available on EDDMapS.project is in 3rd year, project reporting won't be available until October of 2021This project was just completed in September 2020, thus we have only been able to assess whether the fish passage structures are performing as planned and we will have to wait until subsequent years to monitor the effectiveness of the structures for passing fish through the culverts.Project is ongoing. Outcomes will be achieved in 2021The project is ongoing - outcomes to be achieved during 2021The Greening of Detroit would be willing to share additional information if provided more context on the use of this information.Our project was intented to benefit Great Lakes fisheries, which have many ties to human well-being. But the timescale of the project wouldn't allow for human well-being outcomes to be generated within this timescale. Rather, we and our partners are measuring human well-being more broadly, outside of the scope of this grant.There is a new version of the watershed management plan for the Two Hearted currently being written, a 5+ year follow up to this projects physical stream aspects is being included.Note - that I did not directly manage the project - so I'm just assuming that there is a final report out there ...Our monitoring initially showed clear positive impacts, but those benefits declined over time. Maintenance on the reef seems to be needed to sustain habitat value.Happy to share reports as needed - thanks.Happy to share documentation as needed. Thanks...These last 2 questions are difficult to answer. We submit a report each year to USFWS but it is not for general release because of the sensitivity of the nesting sites/locations. So I can't just sent it directly to you. And, the same thing for our extensive database that covers more than 30 years on plover monitoring and protection efforts that demonstrates the positive impact of protection and research. It is also not publically available but information can be share selectively.We have not collected data yet. Project was completed in Sept. 2020I checked No on data, but it could be shared depending on planned use. Sites are no longer being monitored.Yes, but we are working on publications that incorporate these data which are not ready yet for distribution.Extensive data are recorded, but are being used for a publication and not ready to share at this time.One difficulty in filling out- the GLRI funded project is one component of a larger project. In itself it has little to no habitat function. The positive impacts of the larger project are reflected here.there are data quantifying stormwater infiltration by green infrastructure.project not yet completeThis project is still underway and at its early stages of design and implementation. There is still work to be completed and future monitoring efforts as part of our verfication monitoring to determine if the project met our pre-determined goals and measures of success. The documentation that has been generated so far is the Ecological Restoration Management Plan that was developed through the baseline assessment work.The project manager no longer works for WDNR so I completed survey to the best of my knowledge.Recreational aspects were included as project amenities (kayak launch, educationation sign) but no monitoring was conducted. Project was just completed so this aspect could be included during if desired.Some unanswered questions as project implementation is just wrapping up, with monitoring to follow.Several questions on this survery were left un-answered as the project has yet to be completed.Project has not yet been completed. It is in progress.This project is still ongoing. We have one more year of invasive species treatments left before this project is considered complete. Also extenuating circumstances with increased wildlife in the area has compounded the effect on wild rice that was trying to be enhanced.Bacterial Source Tracking study in the AOC led to a beach restoration project using the E. coli and DNA data. public recreation has dramatically increased at the site post construction , but no study on human wellness was conducted. E. coli pollution was dramatically reduced and beach closings and advisories were reduced.Some questions unanswered as this project is currently wrapping up final design and moving into construction in spring 2021. Post-restoration monitoring is planned.Some questions unanswered as this project is still in the design phase.Some questions unanswered as only design has been completed for this project.Project was designed and completed, but post-construction monitoring (other than vegetation establishment) has not yet been completed. Biological monitoring will be completed when adjacent restoration project and appropriate recovery period are complete.This effort to restore wild rice has an extensive planning process prior to the GLRI funds. This plan took into consideration ecological and human benefits of restoring the rice beds. Tribal interests were represented and a goal to sustain a harvestable stand was included. This project has not fully met goals for a few reasons (biological) and will continue until 2024.Most data were collected by partner organizations (USACE, St. Louis River Alliance) under different funding sources so we are not in control of the data.Fish population and movement survey completed pre and post construction. Human wellbeing was not studied or monitored, however the replacement of failing/undersized culverts had many benefits to the local community and township.Project is still in design and has not yet constructed and responses were given to survey quesitons accordingly.Five-year on going project initiated in 2019. Biannual progress reports available upon request.This project has really just begun, so there is on final report or discussion at the moment. In 2024, there will be a more complete picture of what this project accomplished.This project identified AIS present and developed recommendations to protect high quality coastal wetlands. The current grant is funding implementation of the recommedations so for initial phase we are not able to evaluate project effectivness.Some questions unanswered as this project is still in the planning/design phase. Pre and post implementation monitoring are incorporated into the project plan to assess effectiveness of the project.This was the initial phase of surveying high quality coastal wetlands for invasive species and developing recommendations for implementation. The next project is implementing the recommendations.A large part of this project was to reduce invasive (and some native) brush species to enhance the habitat of the state endangered swamp metalmark butterfly.Project is complete but all biological monitoring has not been completed. Have data on jobs/direct economic impact and SWMBE participation.Some unanswered questions as the design phase of this project is wrapping up with implementation planned in spring 2021. Pre-construction biological monitoring was completed and post-construction monitoring is planned. There is associated economic revitalization work ongoing adjacent to this project but it is not funded by this grant, it is funded locally.